That's pretty damn funny, lol

I don't recognize this, which song is it from?

Yesterday I made a smoothie with those ingredients (and other things), it was great

Hence, being posted in this sub

It's probably the same game mechanics reason for why you can shoot limbs off on an existing corpse

I use Unbogus Health Scaling to get rid of the bullet sponge effect

their jokes don't always land

And that's the stuff that didn't get cut, lol

Do you leave a fusion core in them?

I'm not so sure you're actually disagreeing with me. I was saying mostly the same things.
- Ify is serviceable.
- Trapp is a more natural host.

He's got more charisma than Saltzman

Ify is a perfectly fine host. Trapp felt like a more natural host, but a lot of times it felt like his laughs were forced

That's the thing that always got me. Like, you have an entire wasteland full of all these industrious people and not a single one had done any sort of cleanup or reconstruction at all in decades until you come along?

I hear Poseidon is looking to run next cycle.

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