Raiders Of The Lost Ark god damn 9 year old me was blown away.

Not retired yet but getting there and it’s medical insurance.

Used to be when a fight broke out between 2 kids a couple punches were thrown and then once 1 or 2 good ones landed folks jumped in and just broke it up. Not anymore bystanders are just as bad as the idiots fighting. Usually egging them on and filming it. Bunch of fucking animals.

Or, we can grow from our past and just be better people. I don’t think feeling ashamed is going to change who I have grown into as a person. I look back and know that I did and said stupid things because of my age and the culture at the time. But I am proud of myself for growing and knowing that I am not that person anymore because I have bettered myself.

Also, I can see why the RSVP dropped. Hawaii is great but Thailand is an experience that could be once in a lifetime so more people would be willing to put out the expense.

Ya removed all the apps that looked to be on it and it still has a rapid drain. This was my biggest fear. Such a bummer.

Says maximum capacity 85%

I’m only 52 but in the last 3-4 years I have started moisturizing (I’m male) and it has been a game changer. I recommend it to everyone I know. I use Nivea and it lasts all day.

No I feel like the reset to factory would have addressed this. Even after the factory reset still the same issue. I get at most 5 hours out of a 100% charge.

544 days

I use edibles and flower on occasion. I can say at the beginning of my sobriety from alcohol I took edibles almost daily. Now it’s maybe once a week sometimes longer. It absolutely helped get me through the hardest part of leaving alcohol behind.

S6 battery drainSupport

I think I’m screwed but I will ask anyway. About a week ago my S6 suddenly just started draining really fast. From 100% to an alert that I need to charge is about 5 hours total. The only thing I have done recently that is even a small bit out of the ordinary is started swimming for the summer. I have had the watch since the S6 was released and have swam many times with it before. I have unpaired and paired again, I have also reset back to factory and then paired again. Nothing has changed as far as I know. No new apps I even went and disabled all of the apps on the watch. I have an Ultra that I switch between and it has been fine, no issues at all. Any recommendations beyond what I have already done? I do not have apple care for the watch and I am assuming it is outside of warranty. I love the watch and will be really bummed if it’s toast. Thanks for any and all suggestions.

The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself - Netflix you will thank me for this.

Arcane - Netflix

Slow Horses - Apple TV

Carnival Row - Prime

LOL’d when he brought out the sledgehammer thinking it was a joke but nope.

544 days

I’m embarrassed by the things that I say and do when I am drunk. I choose to not put myself in that position ever again so I do not drink. I am not embarrassed by that fact.

I have never charged my clients for transaction coordination that is a cost of doing business for me.

I think she was Rachel’s +1 because she was visiting and just told Rachel about her divorce from Rachel’s father. Since Carols folks refused to go there was available room as I would assume Ross was Rachel’s original +1.

Edit: Rachel would have been Ross’s +1