Figure out the differential equations that define the dynamics of your plant and then represent them in a form suitable to your control method usually either state space or transfer function and then continue from there. In your case since you are looking at a heating plant look at heat transfer equations and figure out which ones apply to your system. If you don't understand how to go about this I recommend reading up on some basics before trying to do this task. Modern control engineering by Ogata is my recommendation. The book is massive so just skip to the bits that are relevant to you. There is a chapter that talks about modelling thermal systems.

I've kinda gotten it from these comments. It seems like i need to use pressurized air to blow out the dust and then use alcohol wipes to wipe it down. I don't have either of those two on hand so I'll purchase them next month maybe.

Ye i accidentally noticed this when I was putting the screws back in. Thanks anyway.

I have. I just don't know how to do it and am too lazy to do it. I also didn't think it was that bad. But apparently that is contrary to what everyone else thinks.

Thank you so much. You've been a massive help.

No worries I stuck my hands down the hole at the back and found one.


So I just need to connect that to the drive and then another comnection to the sata port and I'm good?

Ye I've been try to open the back to no avail for a while now. There were two hand screws on the back of the pc that I unscrewed but even then it is stuck. I don't see any other screw to take the panel off.

The thing is I don't even know where my drives are. And I've been going at thr case for a while and I cant figure out how to open up the rest of it

How would I go about checking this?


Oh I think I see the slots now. It looks like 2 slots. Is that right?

I'm not sure where to find the mother board info. How do I get that?


This is what the two look like up close. I have an ssd and a hdd so I assumed that both ports are being used by those two.

I don't have a cd device so it can't be that.

I just looked at those two cables and they do say sata but there are no other slots to plug into there. I looked all over the motherboard looking for a similar thing and there doesn't seem to be any. I will try to look up the motherboard manual then thanks.

The issue with simulation work is that it is all done in simulink and then the simulink coder is used to generate C code that then gets compiled and flashed onto a controller. Robotics is definitely one of the ones I am considering but I am worried about the quantity of work out there for it.

Math heavy programming workTopic

I am a mechanical engineering student currently doing an internship as a controls intern. Whilst doing my internship I have realised that whilst I do enjoy control systems all of the cutting edge work I was interested in is overkill in most systems and most control problems get solved by slapping on a PID or often just a PI controller and altering the gains till it works. I also didn't enjoy that all of the logic was created in simulink and then C code was generated to be compiled and flashed onto controllers.

The jist of this post is that I am looking for a field of work that involves maths and programming. I do enjoy working with embedded systems and writing C and C++ code also. I would also be interested in some other recommendations that, even if they don't involve embedded systems, involve some fun math and complex programming.

I don't mind using MATLAB to model and simulate but I am not a fan of auto code generation since it skips the whole implementation step which is what I enjoy about this type of work. Of course I understand that handcoding all of the logic would take an order of magnitude longer which is not something a company would want to do unless theg had to. And that is what I am hoping for.

I am looking for work that, yes does use abstraction, but also goes into the nitty gritty of it all allowing me to get knowledge of working using abstraction layers and working without them.

Is DSP my saving grace?career

I am a mechanical engineering student currently doing an internship as a controls intern. Whilst doing my internship I have realised that whilst I do enjoy control systems all of the cutting edge work I was interested in is overkill in most systems and most control problems get solved by slapping on a PID or often just a PI controller and altering the gains till it works. I also didn't enjoy that all of the logic was created in simulink and then C code was generated to be compiled and flashed onto controllers.

The jist of this post is that I am looking for a field of work that involves maths and programming. I do enjoy working with embedded systems and writing C and C++ code also. If DSP is also similar to controls where the heavy mathematical work is pretty much non-existent and all the code is generated, then I would be interested in some other recommendations that, even if they don't involve embedded systems, involve some fun math and complex programming.


I'm also a beginner but i think passing in an array doesn't need an ampersand since it passes in the address by itself.

You could potentially use simulink/MATLAB if you have the funds to get the licenses.

I am not sure what the LL is but as a beginner just like OP I have found defining my own registers to be a useful exercise but I do plan to move onto using the header files that have predefined registers in the future as after getting familiar with working with registers, defining them myself will be a waste of time especially in a bigger project.

I very much dislike using abstraction when I am learning things as I feel like I have learnt nothing if I don't understand what is happening underneath. However, when my knowledge is more mature and I understand what is happening under the abstraction then I am happy to use the abstraction all the time if it is best.

I have a friend working as a mech eng and he is given 2 days workload for 2 weeks of work. So he does over time for 1 day to get all the work done and plays league of legends for the rest of the two weeks.