I'm not too familiar with Melusine, but how likely is she to [edit: mercy] kill Sakura if she grows to like her and can't think of a way to safely remove the worms?

A) How are they going to know he's unaging, considering that he vanishes for centuries at a time?

B) If a Bard was going to style his fit after anyone, it's the god of song, stories, sticking it to the man, and getting drunk.

An especially nasty poison, at that.

I will point out that someone creating our giving an engagement token doesn't mean that they are actually old enough to get married. 

For instance, the underaged Ruto in Ocarina of Time gave the underaged Child Link the Zora Sapphire as an engagement present.  

Ah, but the thing is that they would actually need to be in court to rule that dangling them upside down and naked in an unlisted cell at Guantanamo with an IV drop of platypus venom for the rest of their natural lives isn't a valid official action of the presidency, and you might notice the possible loophole there.


We won't know until he tries.

It probably couldn't work because Mipha was probably going to be underage by Zora standards for most of his life, considering that she was around half the size of adult female Zora and Link and Mipha's Zora playmate seems to be a fairly young adult who only recently got around to having kids a century later.

I use Yunobo a lot to save on bombs and weapon durability.

He's super intrusive when you're trying to use a Rock Octorock to repair and buff your gear.

I mean, narratively she's still a child and is explicitly still learning how to even access her lightning powers consistently in the first place, so at least it makes sense why she's not anywhere near as powerful with it as the fully grown adult Urbosa was.  And at least her Cooldown is a lot lower than Urbosa's Fury's default Cooldown was.

Hey, they get along with Nintendo now, so that could just ask them what they would do in this situation, and then figure out where they would even find a hitman on such short notice.

Hopefully modern Sega is being run by people less stupid than the people in charge during the Penders-era and just outright obliterate him in court until they own his goddamn hands.  

Sonic just blurs into the kitchen and immediately blurs back out with 5 Star meals for everybody and no one can tell if he  somehow cooked everything at super speed or ran to and back from a restaurant that somehow cooked everything at even more superspeed (if you factor in travel time) for him.

"Si je fais une erreur en français merci de ne pas me corriger je n'ai aucun respect pour cette langue." - Mademoiselle Crabaletta


My point was that this method would almost certainly work against Lancer (whose luck is terrible) but wouldn't prevent Lancer from either killing him right back or would be done after Lancer has already landed a fatal blow on him, because they both have Independent Action.  

And even then, they both would probably last for a minute or two afterwards.

I assume that it's just a condensed form of the Ancient Flame/Energy that powers Sheikah Tech. 

According to at least three different certificates, the real Electric Sovereign is Kuki Shinobu.

I mean, he could win against Lancer, but probably only in a "Take Him With Me" kind of way, since he could also bring out a Gae Bolg or two in melee range and rely on Independent Action to let him get off a retaliatory strike if he gets hit first (and vice versa).

I mean, is it an impulse purchase if it helps you both earn those big bucks and improve your ability to actually scry into the future and the present? 

It's very likely that she will have a huge role in the endgame considering that so many Hexenzirkal heirs seem to be congregating in the town that has a giant statue of the Hexenzirkal's patron deity (which also has "Gateway to Celestia" carved in reverse around its base), so we're probably going to want her as powerful and knowledgeable as possible by that point.

I would argue that she just has different priorities than most. She can afford to live luxuriously, but only if she's willing to slow down her research.  

But considering that staying on the cutting edge of Astrology research is how she can afford to live luxuriously, plus the fact that Astrology actually works in Teyvat so her research gives her better control over her natural gifts and makes her more powerful at investigating the fundamental secrets of the universe as well as being able to help her allies better in both combat and personal issues, she just decided that she's be fine occasionally subsisting on salad while she waits for her next massive paycheck to come in.