this is amazing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

being a bisexual trans man in the community is such a wild space because you are alienated as a trans man and put down as a man in bi spaces because itā€™s always the ā€œwomen are godesses and iā€™m ashamed to be attracted to menā€ narrative that gets spread around

this is like major doomposting. if you spend time both on and offline you will see that this likely isnā€™t the case. there will be consequences, but be careful because this sounds just as bad as the slippery slope fallacy that republicans think democrats will force everyone to be gay.

Not at all. Iā€™m enjoying my time in this era, excited for my upcoming concert, but I stopped waiting because I donā€™t like waiting. So iā€™m just enjoying it :). If i need something to wait for like I did in the past though then I guess that would be something in the future to help.

Yes but I also would prefer a guy with at least a little bit of muscle. Not being able to lift as much as me (and i canā€™t even lift for shit so itā€™s not hard) is a turn off. I also like more active ppl anyways though but that doesnā€™t mean like athletic build, just someone that is willing to do like a sport activity or hiking for fun.

I got a run mod that uses AP because of the snail pace lol couldnā€™t deal with it, and it makes combat more interesting for me because i could run or use the AP for VATS

wait this is smart because the amount of times iā€™ve been jumpscared šŸ˜­

first person, i only use third person to check my fit lol

Yeah I would agree, but itā€™s also a common feeling that christianā€™s experience. Itā€™s also hard to see the light of God when you are focused on your own darkness though so my interpretation is more like that he feels like God has let him down, but also that at other times he often feels like he is unworthy and has let God down. Itā€™s such a relatable experience with faith and depression honestly.

Twenty one pilots was one of the things that brought me back to christianity :). as a queer person i struggled greatly with my faith in my teens (and still do to an extent) and turned away from christianity entirely (was an atheist for several years) but ultimately that was more my depression speaking than anything and listening to tyler made me realize that struggling with that stuff is actually pretty normal and im not a bad christian for it.

look up the school and something like ā€œfinancial aid appeal formā€ or ā€œextenuating circumstances financial aidā€ or something like that and the school may have resources

talk to admissions as well, admissions often can be the ones that gives scholarships to incoming freshmen

how have i never known this existed iā€™ve lost pieces of armor because i couldnā€™t find any more šŸ˜­ getting this stat and going back to my stash

Are you using irl interactions or social medias for that opinion because online they are gonna be more intense, and donā€™t even bother with twitter because they are just crazy over there

twenty one pilots has a pretty active subreddit because of the lore related to the band, so that may make it more active than other bands who arnt constantly theorizing over new lore lol meaning more tĆøp fans on reddit

I feel like other trans men would get me wearing a binder at the beach more than general trans people and honestly i would feel more comfortable in that situation. like specially for a beach event, for trans guys that feels like more than just a simple casual social event. i canā€™t just take my shift off only binder in front of most ppl.

May I ask how old you are? Because I get it depression sucks and it sounds like you have one goal but you arnt getting enjoyment out of everyday life. Like iā€™m not in a depressive episode rn and I can say that some of the best parts of living are getting to talk to my friends again, and my reason to live would be to get my degree, get into my career field and publish some papers, start a family, etc. Planning for the future when depressed is so damn hard imo because itā€™s hard to see a future, but i would talk to your primary care physician about this and get in with a therapist and ideally a psychologist or psychiatrist (depending on where you live and what makes more sense for u just ask ur PCP). Your goals in life doesnā€™t have to just be work, think about what brings you joy when you do feel happy (or at least not in burnout) and see where that takes you.

Good Day was an instant favorite for me and I still love it so so much. Fav song from the album, it just hits so hard like not today vibes yk

Itā€™s the way he sings it, specifically the way he sings mulberry street for me yk

Transgender Man (he/him)

disabled trans people unable to work are more likely to be online about this stuff. same with younger trans people. the rest of us arnt as open online prob cause we are just busy with other stuff šŸ« 

this is the exact sentiment i was talking about, like people are taking my comment totally out of context of the broader bi community sentiment especially online šŸ˜­

you said it doesnā€™t make sense when it does so i was explaining my reasoning because thatā€™s not what i thought lol. i was the original commenter.

look at the other comment i made. itā€™s not just this post, itā€™s the general sentiment. if you were online in the bi community over the past few years you would know

yeah but iā€™m not conflating the two things. i understand people have a preference but you gotta realize the context im talking about. itā€™s pretty much only the posts like this that get all the attention, never the opposite direction, and even people that say they have a preference for men will talk about how they hate that they are attracted to men too or some shit like that. itā€™s not just this post, itā€™s an accumulation of a general sentiment in the bi community.