Honestly, is this the best we can do?

It's all in the language you use. So he is saying there is no alien life or evidence. They always seem to miss extraterrestrial life. There are several in the UAP community that say there is a difference. Dan Burisch says he never met an alien, but he has met an extraterrestrial. Using the English language to try and play us for a bunch of fools.

$9.35 !!! That was a high price for a ticket back then. In 1981 I saw KISS for $13.50. I thought I was getting robbed. But relief came in 1983. I saw .38 Special and Eddy Money for $7.50. That was more like it. Money was different back then. I saw Rush about ten years ago. $115.

The other guys in his unit that supposedly were with him all deny what happened. They say they don't know what Sands is up to or what he is talking about. I think they moved him to the back burner.

I have an optical degree, have manufactured optics for several leading companies, am a professional photographer who has been featured in National Geographic many times and I have to tell you, you do not know what you are talking about and have no idea how optics work.

His Chiquita banana tape ran out. Had to go with the Dove.

Wow. Just wow. This in itself seems criminal. What if you screw up somebody really bad. Maybe you totally erase who they are. And if you had to go to prison for this action, would you turn to it to get out faster?

That guy on Stated Clearly said he would never put out another video if this stuff were real. He went into a big speech telling exactly how they were made. "If this stuff is real I'll never do youtube again", he said. Something like that. The whole," If he gets elected I'm leaving the country" routine. But with aliens.

Don't use the John Wayne toilet paper. It won't take shit off of anyone.

Getting 16 injections into my spinal chord. All at once. They insert all of the needles then come back with a large syringe full of contrast liquid. For a mylegram. Everything is fine, but they need to get the contrast to encircle the spinal chord. Roll over they say, it's gonna hurt not gonna lie they say. I rolled over and my entire body went straight to the fetal position. Involuntarily. The pain was horrendous and throughout my lower body.

Yeah, he was the only good one there. It was everyone else, not me.


The pope knows. The Vatican library has everything you wanna know I think. Too bad the rest of mankind has been banned from having a look. Also it's sad OP couldn't get a full pic of the pope. I have seen this pic before. Below that first character, there is a second. Another Nazca line "Alien". HE KNOWS.Forget storming Area 51. The Vataican would be a much more interesting place to have a look around.

Patterns. So huge and complex that humans can't figure out. We will be able to tell what our government is really up to with our money. And what politicians are really up to. The patterns won't lie. There will be many truths about our reality that will be revealed By the AI. I just hope the truth reaches us, the people.

There is no extra dollar. You have crosses one math problem with another. Example. Do the same problem only spending one dollar at a time. I had 50 then 49 then 48 then 47....... Where did all of this extra money come from?

That guy on the right looks like the mine sweeper plastic army man.

That look on her face. She knew we would be impressed.

First man to ever get a Lewensky.

He said it was interesting that they are referring to it as Tranquility Base. They said there were some aliens there with them on the moon. So, was the base there first? The guy said, "They have landed at Tranquility Base."

That guy with the glasses on the left. What in the actual hell is he videoing? I saw the first of your videos, that guys video. He is the type we get ufo videos from. As soon as the evidence becomes visible, he points the camera to a blank spot in the sky, or directly into a bush or the back of someones head. What makes people like this? And then have the nerve to post it. Why would you post something that makes you look like an incompetent boob. BUT, The rest of the video(s) were excellent. I love this stuff. Insectoid. My new word.