Looking for guides to interview for my podcast

Hey guys! I’m starting a travel podcast to help give people tips and tricks for top destinations. So far I’ve done episodes on Athens, Lima, and Barcelona, but I’m open to anywhere else! It will be about an hour remote video interview and in return I do pay and I will feature your tours on my website and across all my social media platforms. Please let me know if you’re interested or have any other questions!

I’m also an Aggie. Know of any A&M bars?

Sports Bars for DFW Sports Fans?

Howdy! I grew up in North Texas and recently moved down to the island. I know we’re not far from Houston, so most people are predominantly Houston Sports fans, but I was just wondering if there were any sports bars or watch parties for DFW sports teams like the Rangers and Cowboys? Thanks in advance!


Pritchard claims her boyfriend became jealous about her wanting to go on a date with another guy and then the fight escalated from verbal to… testicular decimation?

Florida sure never fails to disappoint. 10/10 article!

Highly recommend looking into Airbnb. My dad and I stayed in one this past year for the Friday round, we were 10 minutes from the course and had an entire house for under $400.

Really? Could be the location though, I spent most of my time around Education City, so maybe the food places catered more to the students.

Dallas, Texas! Texas A&M University has a campus in Education city there.

The weather part is not the real problem, the stadiums are all air conditioned, not to mention they plan on having it in November/December. The real problem Qatar will have is that I don't believe their society is ready to experience the norms of other countries. Couples kissing and holding hands in public, people wearing shorts, it is all highly frowned upon in Qatar and I have no idea how they will receive it.

I disagree. I studied in Qatar this past summer, and after first leaving, I felt the same way, but looking back, I have come to appreciate it more. The locals I met were all very friendly and would never hesitate to help out a stranger. The food was delicious and amazingly cheap. Going out and dune bashing in the desert is an experience everyone has to have and the architecture around Doha is great.

Road trips to the Grand Canyon, Florida, or Big Bend are all close enough for a week long trip and can be done relatively cheaply!

I had her this last fall for Calc 3. Now that she's taught the class before, she should probably be fine. I had also had her for calc 2, and although her tests weren't the easiest, she was still one of the best teachers. Last semester she really didn't know what she was doing all the time and was forced to teach an entire chapter in about a week and a half because she got behind. Calc 3 is easier and there is not much of an advantage with having her. Some teachers gave their students formula sheets for the final, but this was not the case with her. Hope this helps!

If you're looking for students to help show you around campus and introduce you to American culture the International Student Mentor Association is definitely an organization on campus to look into! Their website is ismamentors.wix.com.isma if you're interested.

How do you apply to be a peer TA?

Test averages will be low, don't worry about it too much because as long as you do all of your homework, you shouldn't make worse than a B.

I'm also a freshman currently living in hullabaloo hall and my current roommate is moving out this semester so I will be getting a new one next semester, do you know which room you'll be in?

Is this normal?

I always make sure my guitar is in tune before practicing, but whenever I put on a capo, my low E string always becomes really sharp. All of the rest of the strings are fine and they are all the same age. I would've thought that the low E string would last the longest, so is it wear or something else?


Visit the Doge's Palace in Saint Mark's Square, it is breathtaking.

Yes! As a Dallas native, Snuffers has ruined any other cheese fries for me, they are the epitome of perfection.

I actually just got back from there myself! Here's a few pictures I took http://imgur.com/SJpcDKB  http://imgur.com/BkwI11G  http://imgur.com/q0G6lcg  http://imgur.com/aRlIiwT 

This was very relieving to read as a travel lover going into computer science this upcoming fall!