Sounds like we're picking up Kyle Anderson and I'm totally good with that

It doesn't sound to me, as an eligibility Worker, that you're involved in your exes shenanigans in any way. From your description it doesn't even sound like you were utilizing any public assistance benefits so I don't see how you'd be tied into any of it. You weren't in a case together, you didn't claim your child when you didn't have them, sounds like you're no longer married. Sounds like you're fine. The only connection is your kid and it sounds like any program violations are solely on your ex.

If you still have active benefits the easiest repayment is to opt for the 10% reduction of your benefits until the over issuance is repaid. If your benefits are inactive but you have benefits remaining on the card you can opt to repay some or all by having the o/i deducted from your remaining balance. And finally you can opt to set up a payment plan to repay the benefits each month.

It doesn't sound like you committed fraud or an intentional program violation so no worries there. Your over issuance letter should have come with instructions on how to opt for your preferred repayment method.

If your Calfresh case is closed, you're under the $400 threshold for cost effective collections in California. The state won't take action to collect if under $400.

Counties can only collect inadvertent household error over issuances for 3 years from the date of the discovery.

If you're a Warriors fan, you will love klay no matter where he's playing

I guarantee they didn't do it just to be dicks. There's a larger basketball reason at play. Trade or legit medical reasons. The dubs pay the man so the Olympics take a back seat until everything is resolved. Canada's squad is damn good even without wiggs.

What's that have to do with the dubs?. They weren't holding him out for no reason. Either there's a trade in the works or there's a legit medical reason. They didn't do it to be dicks. If it furthers the warriors plans Olympics takes a back seat. They pay his check.

There's no way that Klay walks, CP3 leaves and Wiggins doesn't stay loyal = no moves. 2 of those 3 things creates loads of cap space which by extension means moves. Now they may not be the right ones but zero moves wouldn't be on the table unless the plan is to tank for Flagg and that seems unlikely.

I can't wrap my head around the Biden is incompetent narrative. His legislative success, policy success and shepherding of the economy the last 3 + years is demonstrably good. He had a bipartisan border deal ready to go. He's actively attempting to raise taxes on corps and the very wealthiest Americans. He's pro reproductive freedom. He seems like a moral and ethical man in public and private.

But he has zero charisma. He moves like a grandpa. He is old. He's got a mush mouth. He's no Obama or Clinton (loads of charisma less policy success) But incompetent? That's exactly what the right wing media bubble wants you to walk around thinking. Because if this is a race based on record, leadership and vision this thing would be over

You seriously started an account just to post and imply "millions of illegals" have something to do with it. Take up quilting you'll be happier.

Great article about these:

Are Flying Cars Finally Here?

Crazy thing is they think everyone will drive them after a 2 week course.

Nice peek a boo. Good hands. Would not fuck with.

There are tons of good events. Look at the Hopmonk summer concert schedule for starters. German Tourist Club. Check the concert schedule for the Fairfax clubs. Fairfax festival is both a lot of fun and complete mayhem if you go in for drunken mayhem.

There's stuff it just doesn't sound like it's stuff you like.

Also, the county doesn't fund this kind of thing. Private entities do and try to make money of their events. You think Alameda County or SF county is funding the Treasure Island Music Fest?

Square up shoot the ball from your nose and not your ear

Honestly, I wouldn't bother reporting it. If it's only for a month and you're right back to being eligible again. It's creating more work for everyone involved. It's also likely due to ten day rules that it wouldn't even affect your case anyway.

Like you're getting a single month of income that's over the income limit but then it's going back down again?

This is your best bet if you have the $. I've seen it as low as $1300 at various times if the year

Whatever the right tells them to be. Immigrants? Lefties? Commies? Feminists? Unions? Coastal elites? Really depends on the day.