Thank you. I think I remember seeing it for a few minutes. I find it hard to see or hear anything about that awful person. Musk

Yes,when their government benefits go bye bye what will they do? Or their job goes to China or India? How will they make the payments on their trailers?

I've been saying that Americans have been engaging in performative patriotism since 9/11.

This is exactly what Russell Brand did. Changed his ideals for more clicks and money.

We just have to hope those undecided voters are knowledgeable of all his lies in the debate. That he evaded every question and answered with lies.

They will turn us into China and India. With massive pollution and filthy water. Our food will go back to the 1880s with borax and lead and many other poisonous things in them. With this ruling our country will be destroyed. SEC, it looks like musk will get away with all of his criminal activity

Quality Commenter

But trump abhors the NYT.

Hopefully the traitor named boebert doesn't take down your beautiful state

Find people who will hide you, it's gotten to this fucking point that that has to be discussed. In this goddamn country? And they always says the founding fathers would do this and that. They would hopefully be absolutely disgusted by them. This is a sad reality now. Actively talking about fleeing to another country or looking for people to hide you. This country is done. The nazis have won through stupidity and hatred and visceral anger.

This is what I've said. Who will come and liberate us if trump does what he says he's going to do? Who?

And will possibly someday go after him. Maybe Frontline or another investigative show.

This guy has stuck his penis in the barrel of his guns

I believe they think so. But they'll be shocked when he goes after them if he gets elected

Two geniuses. How lucky are we to have these two in our timeline to guide humanity to new heights. Two nazi lovers who are sex maniacs.

They must have had a meeting to put into motion this bible, ten commandments bullshit. Why the press now? I know they've tried some in the past, but the full court press is on