I think for many of us, we agree with David that Biden is the one we will vote for, assuming he isn't replaced etc. Nothing could really change my mind.

But what horrified me about the debate is thinking about what undecided voters would feel about the debate.

That said, maybe we shouldn't be too worried. I think that many people who watched, who are smart and not MAGA brained, might actually come out disliking Trump more.

Some people have been saying that the debate didn't encourage anyone into supporting Trump if they didn't before. I think that's true.

The substance of what Biden said, more often than not, was true. Yes, he fumbled HARD on abortion, when that has been one of the biggest points for Democrats. He didn't fight about "killing a baby out of the womb," BUT anyone with a brain could sense that it doesn't pass "the smell test."

I think the knee jerk reaction from Biden supporters makes sense. We were hoping that Biden would not stumble or mumble at all. And his debate performance was awful. But I don't think we should underestimate voters. It's not the GG we initially thought could be the case after watching the debate.

Obviously, polls are polls are polls. Biden and Trump will have viral moments of them being stupid. But I don't think we should underestimate undecided voters who watched the debate. We can literally all agree that Biden lost the debate, without still knowing that Trump got the net negative overall