You also have south node in first house, and Lilith in 7th. 

My brother has scorpio ascendant and north node in 7th house too. He comes off as quite powerful in a magnetic and low key way

Yea she was running around like a headless chicken, saying that someone else must have taken it.. definitely needed to embrace her inner hermit. 

Just out of curiosity, how do you do that, are you just pulling cards or using a special spread? And do you use intuition or look at the elements etc? 

I googled it just now and found a spread for it, seemed pretty fun so think I'll try next time. 

Otherwise I've just pulled a card once for another person and got the Hermit, but I didn't understand anything and my intuition was dead quiet lol. 

She found the item right away though, I believe the Hermit was about that she knew where it was if she just reflected on it a little. She's a pisces and always up in the blue, hermit was perfect card I guess.

You didn't ask me but thanks for the tip anyway, seems like a good book. Will put on the wish list. 

Yea good question, it's a big subject though and I don't really know what to say. It depends on what kind of trauma you have and who you are as a person. 

My best advice is to educate yourself actually, and approach it from a holistic point of view.. Most importantly allowing the process to be non linear, it's not a quick fix, rather a journey really. 

Two book suggestions for trauma in general is: - The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk (psychiatrist with new science and treatment for trauma, written for clinicians). I believe he mentions different treatment method in the book too. (If you have childhood trauma, IFS, Internal Family System, is great though.)  - Becoming Safely Embodied by Deirdre Fay (she lived in an ashram for six years and worked at Kolk's trauma center as body expert, mixes spiritual practices with neurology etc)

Also.. I'd like to mention that dry meditation can in many cases make trauma worse, usually mindfulness or activities such as painting or baking (with music or podcasts) are much better. 

I do meditation myself but only after having practiced for many years, it wasn't possible in the beginning. I never force anything, rather just adapt the practice after what works for me personally. 

Yoga Nidra is also a good option too, there's some videos up on YouTube and Spotify I believe. 

My mars is in 7th house (gemini) and got huge eye problems (due to auto immune illness and old trauma) during the Scorpio eclipse season. I never correlated it to mars, until I read this thread.

Thanks for the info, very interesting.

Thanks for sharing, that's interesting.

I'd also like add that Mercury is seen as the esoteric ruler of Aries. To me personally that makes a whole lot of sense, both in a practical and esoteric way, even though I understand if not everyone agrees with it.

Okay I just want to add (as someone else pointed out in the thread) you may want to look at your mars since it's connected to both Scorpio and Aries.

It's the head, and window to the world.

I got tunnel vision on it being connected to Pluto but of course mars has to do with it too.

Oh yea my bad I should have said Scorpio not Pluto, I have Pluto in scorpio in my 12th house, that's why I mixed it up. 

It's definitely mars, not Pluto I'm talking about. They say that Mercury is the esoteric ruler of Aries, which I resonate with a lot personally too.

If you want to, I'd recommend talking to another astrologer or Tarot reader, to undo the damage.

There's a lot to unpack but from what you said I'd personally just dismiss it all, as it didn't come from the right place.

If you want a tip, I'd recommend Mystical Mandrake Root, she's the real deal and also psychic. She's an astrologer and a Tarot reader, and seem to have classes aswell.

She'll tell you things as they are (no sugar coating or toxic positivity) but also help you find your personal power and creativity.

Yea, for sure track the symptoms, that's a very good idea. I'd recommend writing all the symptoms down, so you can get a full overview of it.

If you want a good book suggestion on chakras, then Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith is really good. It's on audio book aswell. She's well experienced in spirituality, somatic therapy and psychology. Connects the chakras to the nervous system etc.

Be careful not to get lost in looking at it from a "energetic" point of view though.. I'm not saying that you are, only that I myself have learnt the hard way how easy it is to get lost. Like.. There's something called functional doctor, they are educated in helping people mapping symptoms etc and getting to the root of an illness. Maybe contact one of those?

Still condescending and a bit manipulative.

I'll leave the conversation as it's not leading anywhere. We can agree to disagree. Be well!

First, I don't appreciate your tone. It's condescending and rude.

I stand for what I said even though I probably could have worded my own comment better, too. Intention was to give a spontaneous reaction, just so that OP could understand how wrong it was.

Actually I read the whole comment now only to see what indicators she was talkin about, and it was even worse than I thought.

Except from having a scewed view on astrology, she was also highly unethical and very invasive.

OP should have ended the conversation before even going in that direction.. but that's impossible to know unless you are familiar with being in that kind of environment.

I stopped reading when you said she wanted to check your birth chart to see if you could fit as a Tarot reader.

She's wrong, in so many ways that I don't even bother listing them all.

She also uses astrology as dogma.

Tarot is for everyone. Enough said.

No not when it comes to astrology at least, it's just a sum of experiences and observations. Especially during eclipse season scorpio/taurus.

I myself, friends and celebs such as Katy Perry got eye problems right during the most intense scorpio eclipse. Even a friend's dog.

To solve my own eye problems I had to learn how to balance my solar plexus Chakra, as it kind of attacked itself. No woo woo really, it's just the nervous system, and how trauma impacts the body.

Solar plexus is the center of sense of self and how we think, so if we have bad self esteem or no sense of power in life, it'll kinda go inwards instead of outwards.

Also found out I have auto immune illness, which is exactly that, the body attacking itself.

Except from working on my solar plexus (trauma treatment) I had to balance my first and second Chakra, by eating a different diet, improve social life etc, then my eyes got better.

(The dog's eyes suddenly got better after the eclipses were done too. I believe he picked up the the energy from his owner)

The correlation between sun and auto immune illnesses is well known within astrology though.. And auto immune illnesses often causes problems with our eyes.

Sun is connected to the solar plexus and regulation of the nervous system.

A dysregulated nervous system may cause worse eye sight due to pressure, I know people who have gone from wearing thick glasses to hardly need any after trauma treatment.

If sun is in 12th house, maybe that's something you'd want to look into? Like.. Strengthening your sense of self, self esteem, individuality, strong feelings etc.

Edit: I write about Pluto but should have said Scorpio. I have Pluto in Scorpio 12th house that's why I got tunnel vision on it being Pluto. But as  commentators pointed out, mars is definitely at play here too. Probably work in symbiosis. 

From own experience, and observation of both friends and celebs, Pluto (edit : Scorpio) transits have an influence on the eyes. Not blindness necessarily but eye problems.

Do absolutely not take this as prediction or diagnosis, simply an observation/entertainment.

You need to know a bit about the nervous system/trauma/chakras to understand it fully but my own experience (and observations on others) is with heavy Pluto(Scorpio) transits,there may be pressure in the back of the eye socket, which causes different symptoms.

You can Google a picture of the nervous system and the eyes and you'll see for yourself.

The pressure may come from suppressed emotions, auto immune illnesses (imbalanced sun, solar plexus) or just dysregulated nervous system.

Pluto is connected to Hel and various underworld gods and goddesses and it is said that they push up sickness from underneath. Not as an evil thing, just a matter of fact. Your mind may hide things but your body won't. (Hel means what is hidden)

Makes sense when you think about the root and sacral Chakra, an imbalance there will cause dysregulated nervous system and high pressure on the upper chakras, and eyes are the window of the soul.

My feeling is that they know you are right and that you are vibing with spirit, but they may not like it :)

(the child may be seen as the Fool/the wisdom-child, riding back to spirit.)

So yea, maybe not illusion but at least they don't want to step fully into the light just yet. They may avoid you just because they don't like to look at themselves.

I'm Scandinavian and we say that trolls (turn to stone) and crack in the sunlight lol.

I tend to think about the Sun sometimes, as the day after a chaotic night. We may not like to see the mess but at least it's over and we can start to clean it up. A kind of relief and transformation I guess.

Or, the Sun can be the harsh and bright midday sun, that shows every wrinkle and flaw in our skin. We may not like it but seeing ourselves (and life) in hyper reality is also medicine.

The portraits that I like the most, are the one's with harsh light. It's very confrontational, but there's also something very soothing about it.

Here's for example a famous portrait of Lee Friedlander, on a bad day.

He could have chosen a softer light but that wouldn't have shown his true soul, only sugar coated it. He confronts the truth and with that comes relief.

I agree your interpretation was good.

The Sun comes after the Moon, so it may be about clearance and truth after confusion, anxiety and illusions.

Like the sun after the rain.

It's also about the development from the Chariot, where things were still unknown and hidden. Now, you can look back and see how much things have changed and you may even feel a bit melancholic or ambivalent about it, even if you know it's for the better good.

You see everything clearly and rather live in truth than stay in an illusion.

So an interpretation could be that they see you as someone who has gained wisdom and shines a light on the truth, and that your intentions are pure as the sun.

Unless you felt bad energy I wouldn't worry.

The 9 of swords is your energy, the anxiety.

Wheel of fortune can be a lot of things but it's usually a positive card as it's relating to Jupiter.

Jupiter often helps us to connect to our guides, so maybe it's about that.

Like.. The beginning of a new cycle, where you are connecting to spirit guides and your higher self. Wheel of fortune is about centering yourself in the middle of the wheel so spirit can make things happen.

Also.. You don't open portals just by doing a normal reading but you may have more energy flowing to your higher Chakras though, and are more sensitive to subtile energy.

You can ground yourself by eating something, do some house chores, work out, talk to friends etc. Mundane things.

If you have too much energy in your higher chakras, you may feel better more anxious and "in a heady space" so it's important to balance it out.

When you are grounded in your first Chakra, you will feel grounded in your body and not stress as much. Your thoughts will calm down.

I mean.. You may have spirits in your home but it's a very common thing. Usually you can just talk to them and agree on what you tolerate or not. Like. You can say that you are too anxious for any kind of connection right now and usually they'll understand and leave you alone. Or, you can say that you only want to communicate through the cards, nothing else.

If it's a spirit with bad energy you can learn how set boundaries and get it to leave your home, if necessary. It's a good skill to know anyway so see it as an learning opportunity, not a thing to be scared of.

I'm not sure why you say it's a not good spirit so it's hard to give any concrete advice. From what you're describing it sounds as if it's just a spirit that wants to have contact with you for some reason. Maybe ask in another sub where you'll get better advice?

On the 4 (5 of swords) you can see it as your lower self (ego etc) being scared or stuck in some kind of survival mechanism, and the other two is your higher self and middle self walking away.

In a concrete example, it can be when you are scared of change and get stuck in self sabotage or toxic thought patterns. In that moment earen't receptive to what your guides are trying to communicate to you.

It's not that you are doing something "wrong" or aren't aligned, you're only human after all. It's a normal reaction and the brain is just trying to survive.

Just remember to be aware of your thoughts and if you recognise that you are talking bad about yourself or self sabotaging then do some small ritual to collect yourself again, and connect to your guides.

Some see 5 of swords as having taken a chance of something, and got stuck in the regret and shame. I have never had that interpretation myself but in that case it could be about forgiving yourself for past failures and accept that it's part of life. You win some, loose some.

We probably have different practices when it comes to clarifiers but they can be used to get some more nuance or explanation of a card too, unrelated to the question itself. Glad you got an interpretation of another commentator though.