I had a heavy disagreement with someone and we are going to attend the same party. How do they see me now?

I pulled: Queen of swords, sun, and 2 of cups reversed.

There is no particular spread, each card is just a general synopsis of what they feel. Here’s my interpretation below:

Queen of swords upright: They see me as someone who communicates clearly. Someone who is able to vocalize how I think and my opinion. Objective and fair but valuing honesty. For context, this person was dishonest with me about something serious. So they may feel that I pressure them too much to tell the truth and I am not very forgiving. I don’t think they see me as a forgiving person.

The sun upright: warm, kind, and I guess pleasant to be around. Maybe they ike my presence despite the tension and arguments we had. We did have fun times together.

2 of cups reversed: I think they interpret my refusal to forgive (lol they haven’t apologized) as a source of disharmony. Like “oh it’s because she won’t forgive me that’s why we’re not talking” kinda thing. I feel like they try to shift the blame on me for everything falling apart, but know deep down I’m holding them accountable. This makes them uncomfortable. They see me as the person creating the tension because I don’t want to talk to them until they acknowledge what they did and actually feel bad about it.