The Tarot

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"Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - June 30, 2024"Weekly Help

Please use this thread to request a reading, to request help with interpretation, or to offer free readings. This thread is refreshed every Sunday.

If you are requesting help with interpretation, please comment using the following format:

  • The question(s) you're asking, with any context you would like to share.

  • An explanation of the spread you're using. Diagrams or links are welcome.

  • A photo or description of the cards you dealt. You can upload photos via imgur, or another hosting service.

  • Your interpretation.

If someone helps you, consider giving them some feedback or thanking them for their work!

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Do you feel strong affinity to a particular deck?Discussion

When I started with tarot, I got the "Light Seer's" set. My husband, who is skeptical but loves to study mythology in all forms, has the classic Rider Waite deck. I also got the "Science Tarot" deck, which I have to confess I haven't had time to play with yet but as a scientist I JUST had to buy. 😁 Just a couple of weeks ago I got the "Tattoo Tarot" deck as a present from one of my SIL.

Thanks to the illustrations, I find the first two decks very "intuitive" for me to interpret, which was quite nice. I love the Tattoo one, but aside of the Major Arcana, and the King, Queen and Knight cards per suit, the rest are more like your Italian/Europeans playing cards. (In Spanish in Puerto Rico we call them "briscas", and I play the usual card game with them. Apparently the same game they play in Italy, which is not surprising as it's a tradition we inherited from Spain.) This has forced me to memorize better the Minor Arcana, which is a very good thing anyways.

I still love my "Light Seer's" deck the most. I just feel comfortable with it and in a way "connected". Is this a real thing? Is there a deck that just calls you like that?

Tarot read left me feeling really sadDiscussion

Today I had a professional tarot reading from a place I have gone to before. The two tarot readers I have had readings from before were not available so I tried a new reader. I wanted to ask about a lot of different areas in my life so booked a longer reading.

I asked about what I needed to know about my ex and I. We recently got back to being in contact, and it's going well but a lot of small talk. In particular, I wanted help to figure out what I wanted from the contact (not sure if I want to get back with him or if I'm just finding the break up hard etc) and she said it was doomed. She said he was a "dangerous" to be with has he has is unbalanced and gives away his powers. She told me to stop contact with him as it would bring nothing but grief and heartbreak. When she said it, I felt like my heartbroke again because maybe I do actually want to see if it could work with us.

She then said the next job I will have will be overwhelming and I'll have a hard time balancing work and home, and for this reason it might only last for 3 months. I was really excited about starting a new job but now I'm really nervous.

I asked about an opportunity to go abroad and whether it would be good for me. And she said I should first figure out why I wanted to go and if it was just a fantasy. And that I should commit to seeing my commitments here through. Living abroad has been a life long desire of mine, but now I'm wondering if I am really just living in lala land.

She did however say I'm going through a period of growth and that it's good for me, even though it might not feel like it.

Somethings did resonate but it was so negative, I feel awful after having it. I've never felt like this after a reading. Even when I have reading that don't tell me what I want to hear, I usually feel leaving lighter and less anxious. Her reading left me feeling really down - I've been in tears since. It literally feels like all the things I want/were curious having from life about are doomed.

I'm not too sure why I'm posting this but I don't have a lot of people in my life who are into tarot who would understand.

Has anyone else ever experienced something like this? Does anyone have any tips on feeling less rubbish post-reading?

Knight of swords v knight of wands Discussion

I’m not really seeing the difference when both these cards come up together in a spread?

I see both as bold and determined, impulsive and impatient. Both kind of hero personas. What are your key differences

what solidified your trust in tarot or your practice of it?Discussion

EDIT: I'm not sure if it wasnt clear enough, but like I wrote earlier, this is purely for discussion sake that I wonder what made you trust in Tarot/cartomancy (the cards or your use of it). If your opinion is that you dont need trust whatsoever in whatever you're reading, which is totally valid to your own practice, please just scroll on by.

Yes yes i know we shouldn't rely 1000% wholly on the cards alone, but for discussions sake, I'm curious to know if there was ever a time/reading that you did for yourself or others that really solidified your trust in the cards and what you glean from them?

i'll start: for me, personally, when i was just shuffling the cards as like a "shiny new toy" kinda hobby, a friend i haven't interacted with in a while happened to bump into me in cafe where i was doing tarot journaling. he asked for a reading and when i pulled his cards, it talked about his lovelife. suffice to say, what was going to be a silly read ended up pretty indepth and healing for him. long story short, it was that reading that encouraged me to put some faith in my cards :)

Cards that tell you to trust your intuition but your intuition feels wrongDiscussion

Hopefully this is an okay discussion because I’m really struggling. This is a very repetitive theme for me to pull. If there is a better sub, please let me know and I’ll post there instead.

I was in a relationship that was good but I had a bad gut feeling about his sister. I was right but ignored it for awhile for love (which I admit was wrong). Eventually I couldn’t and had to set a hard boundary with her. In the end, she destroyed our relationship because I enforced those boundaries. The full story of what she did is significantly worse but I think it’s on my page if you care. The cards have told me to hold my boundaries and trust my intuition post him leaving.

Trusting my intuition and setting those boundaries let to hurt. I know those boundaries saved me from a life of pain (regardless of how much it hurts now).

Here is the problem. My intuition is all over the board and I can’t clearly articulate anything. I have been trying to convince myself he’s never coming back and to move on but that almost makes the other side louder. I feel like I’m fighting known logic against myself and it’s drowning me. I’ve sat with my thoughts on my boundaries and feel (mostly) confident again but my intuition feels off.

What is a good way to meditate with this? Are there good spreads to help guide me? Any podcasts? I’m desperate to get my intuition back to clarity.

Not feeling connected to my reading Discussion

I’ve been doing some daily card pulls recently that have made sense to me regarding a specific situation.

I finally decided I should do a whole spread reading but I don’t feel connected with the cards I pulled and my intuition isn’t really pulling a lot out?

I don’t want to say I’m being biased. The spread isn’t exactly negative but not that positive either.

I’m also now doubting my shuffling and feel like I’m screwing my readings because of this

Sorry for the ramble just didn’t know if anyone can relate to the feeling or have advice

Workplace troubles and a lot of Major ArcanaInterpretation Request (Second Opinion Only)

Hey folks! Workplace reading with a lot of intensity. How does your interpretation compare? Six cards:

  1. ⁠Me: Hanged Man
  2. ⁠The Lesson: Page of Cups
  3. ⁠The Vibe (undercard): Magician reversed
  4. ⁠If I commit to staying at my job: The Tower
  5. ⁠If I stay for a little while and make an exit plan: Three of Wands reversed
  6. ⁠If I quit now: 2 of Cups reversed

I think card 1 (Hanged Man) suggests that I am reevaluating if I can keep handling all this drama. Its been nonstop for three years now. I don’t know how much longer I can manage. Card 2 (Page of Cups) suggests that there may be something else in the world for me, something gentler perhaps, fresh and new and mostly unformed as of yet. Card 3 (Magician reversed) suggests a chaotic energy underneath everything, with frustrated ambitions and an inability to bring about what I want to manifest at work. Card 4 suggests that I might straight up get fired over this most recent drama. Or maybe its the high lonely of being singled out, feeling exposed, unable to get out if this negative space where the lightening could strike at any time? Perhaps there may be some chance that it references a coming reorganization that could be to my benefit? Does the Hanged Man imply going with the flow of all this energy to see if things get better when the dust settle or does it say get tf out? I feel the most ambiguity in this card, despite it being the Tower. Card 5 suggests that hanging around temporarily could bring more drama, but not the particularly excruciating kind-just regular things as I prepare to exit. Card 6 suggests that my husband will not be happy with me if I just quit. Or maybe it references that preferring to do what I want rather than what he wants will lead to strain in our relationship. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

Deck recommendations similar to spirit keepers tarot pls??Deck Identification

So I recently got the SKT revelation addition and I have never felt any deck to be so deep and meaningful.. it almost feels sacred to me!! Was wondering if there are any other decks similar to skt which I may have missed?! Decks that are Rich in symbolism esoterism and need deep study?! Thank you!

lovers upright in reading post breakup?Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only)

hi all,

I am seeking some support with interpreting the cards in this spread that I did recently after my breakup. I am trying to focus on my healing in this period of no-contact but the appearance of the lovers card has thrown me in for a loop. I am curious how others may interpret this combo of cards.

For some context: I was dumped three weeks ago by my ex-bf and was kind of blindside by how he broke up with me as we had gone on a date the day prior where he mentioned things like marriage/children (classic lovebombing lol). When conflict would arise I would try to express how my feelings were invalidated by him and how I felt unsupported in those situations but that would trigger his avoidant attachment. Ultimately, when dumping me he said that he would not be able to be patient with my needs despite love bombing me during the relationship.

my current emotions: eight of cups

I think this means I am ready to move on. It was painful to have to walk away from the relationship that we built together but I ultimately had no choice. This card I think is an acknowledgement of how I was feeling unfulfilled emotionally in the relationship and now have no option but to move forward without him on a search for somebody who is willing to be a safe space for my emotions.

his current emotions: 4 of pentacles

-The 4 of pentacles I think is about him having a scarcity mindset, being unwilling to open up about his emotions until he grew resentments that ultimately led him to dump me before I could even process what I could do to save the relationship. Maybe these coping mechanism have worked for him in his past and how he has dealt with childhood trauma but it is keeping him from growing as he navigates romantic relationships. I feel he is not even capable of being open about his own traumas and feelings with himself- let alone another person's feelings of sadness/insecurities. If we view the 4 of pentacles as "avoiding collaboration", i think this is about him being unwilling to compromise in the relationship or work with me to find a solution to our problems.

factors contributing to his refusal to feel his own emotions: page of cups reversed

-"Peter pan syndrome" - unrealistic expectations of love on his end (re: the lovebombing lol), not realizing relationships require effort to work through conflict and that it won't always feel like how it felt in the honeymoon stage (Also someone who is childish/ emotionally immature)

lessons from the situation: chariot rx

-fear of leaving home? me still feeling emotionally attached to the situation despite wanting to heal and move on? or idk if this is like referring to the flaws/ lack of balance of the relationship itself that caused the fall out

potential future path of understanding and resolution for the both of us: the lovers

-If the lovers card is interpreted as a choice, this could be about a choice to stay tied to an emotionally unfulfilling relationship instead of realizing there is someone out there who is willing to. IDK if this is hinting at the possibility of him trying to reconcile with me in the future.

Using my psychic ability with tarotDiscussion

Not sure if this is the right place or if I should post in r/mediums but i want to do readings with the tarot preferably instead of without. This is for the simple reason that sometimes I get drained with a direct reading. I want to use the tarot as an extra shield to protect my own energy. I am hoping that there is a person(s) here that can help me with this.

Keep drawing the lovers cardDiscussion

I’ve been really distraught over my ex and ive asked tarot a few months ago what the outcome of my relationship with my ex would be and i consistently draw the lovers card, the emperor/empress, 2 of cups and ace of cups regularly when he is brought up.

Last night I asked what the outcome of texting my ex would be and I drew the lovers, justice and the emperor.

No response to his text, but I keep feeling like tarot is telling me my ex and I will be together or are even soulmates but somehow I’m not hearing from him. And I just misreading this or maybe we need more time apart? I’m really confused.

Is it toxic positivity or am I pessimistic?Spreads

Hey everyone, I'm going through yet another - financially uncertain, end of contract, what do I do now, how do I pay my mortgage - panic. This has been the case for a whole year. I read tarot for myself and I've found it, ALL YEAR, to be giving me the same overarching message. "You are on the right path... it will work out... have faith... new opportunities are coming...etc". Yet here I still am. No better off. Worse, probably, as I've now spent all my savings. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed. I'm probably doing something wrong. Any ideas on how I could get guidance on what the hell to do next? I'm at the point where I need to be realistic about my career choice and prospects and find some stability. I feel defeated and I need help.

Five of swords reverse for getting over someone Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only)

RWS Deck

I did a single card pull for why I can’t get over my ex and got the 5 of swords in reverse.

When I researched I saw that this means “reconciliation, end of fighting and making amends”

I’m not entirely sure how to interpret this to my situation and question.

Is it saying that there will be reconciliation or something else?

Thank you!

how do you play tarot in the non-mystical way?Discussion

since i learnt that originally tarot cards were just another type of game cards, i was curious on how to play it normally but i cant find anything about how to do it since most results are talking about how to use them for divination only

Rider Waite Deck. Instruction in pdfBooks and Resources

Hi y'all

I bought Rider Waite deck as a support for a better reading (I'm beginner), but it lacks instruction. Cards were packed in legit way and it is written on the box that it contains instruction. To be honest, I don't want give it back. Is there any instruction for it in pdf? I tried to look on-line but I found nothing.


I need help interpreting a reading about my relationshipInterpretation Request (Second Opinion Only)

For context: i’ve been thinking about having a really tough conversation with my bf about our relationship, about us not having really that much in common. I’m new to tarot so I just tried asking some questions about our situation and energy around our possible conversation and I need some other perspective on the interpretation.

  1. The first question was how I feel in the relationship and I got temperance rx - I feel like this means that there is too little of temperance energy??? That maybe I lack the desire to find the middle ground and I act a little bit rashly. Maybe I can’t find enough harmony between us.

  2. Thats him in the relationship - X of swords - oh gurl I found this really dramatic. When I saw this card the only thing I could think of was depression. I couldn’t see someone inflicting those wounds. When I look at this card in the RWS deck I always see the sun rising up, but that man is already dead. I just think that even with change coming something is already dead and just lying. That everything can change, but the one dead thing can not - I guess him cause it’s him in the relationship. I think that it can be pretty accurate, because I see him as a really passive person and the whole core of our conversation is him doing nothing.

  3. I asked for overall energy for our conversation - VII of swords - I guess that means that he can feel betrayed by me? maybe he doesn’t even expect me seeing any problem in our relationship and he sees me as the one bringing this mental struggle into the relationship? or maybe that he can think that I am cheating him and that’s why I am looking for a fight? I really struggle with interpretation on this one.

Than I was kinda overwhelmed so I ask if this conversation should even happen and immediately I got 2 cards

  1. Death - that’s the first time I ever got this card and the first thing I thought was one word - inevitable. We just can’t avoid it and it will happen eventually. Maybe it will change something or end something but it has to happen.

  2. Hanged man - someone has to sacrifice?? as a way to get a perspective and some inside about our problem?

but overall yeah I got the feeling like cards were saying that it just will happen.

Am I on the right track interpreting this deck or maybe you can help me a little bit?? sorry if this is a little chaotic but I am new to tarot and english isn’t my first language💀

Tips for Tarot Card ArtTheory and Technique

I'm wanting do do art for my own tarot card deck, but I'm thinking this might be challenging.

From what I've read about each card, there are SO many elements in each picture, all of which are important to the card's meaning.

How do I determine what elements MUST be included in an image, whether it's important to keep the same composition for some cards but not others, etc?

Do you think tarot can reveal another persons feelings?Discussion

I’m asking this because I feel like whenever I pull a card about how someone else feels, there’s never any way to actually know. Only they know how they feel, if they even have the self-awareness to. And only I know how I feel, and that’s gonna project onto the reading

I was wondering if anyone here has pulled cards to see how someone else felt about a situation and was it actually accurate?

Can I ask my deck about a friend?Discussion

Hi! I'm learning the basics of tarot yet, and I'd like to practice asking my cards about a dear friend that I haven't seen for a year now. They went to live abroad and we haven't had the chance to talk much, but I know from their own words they're doing great and I thought that connection I feel with them would be helpful for my practice? Is that possible? Do I need to ask them for their permission? Also I miss them a lot, it would be a nice way of feeling closer to them like in the old days. Thanks a lot and sorry if this is a dumb question.

Past life with tarot?Discussion

Can I see how I lived my past life through tarot cards? Im also curious about this friendship that i have and i have a feeling that we were friends in our past lifes but idk if tarot can help with that..I did a spread and it looks like we were friends who argued a lot and had some mutual feelings (2 of cups) What do you guyd think? Im also nee to tarot as i started reading a year and a month ago.

How do you all work with signifier/indicator cards?Discussion

It occurred to me the other day that I might be using my indicator card in an unusual way, and I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on this and how you use (or don’t) indicator cards.

I’ve been using my same indicator card (the Knight of Swords) for 20ish years, and we’ve gotten quite comfortable together. I never pull her out of the deck to start, but rather wait and see if she pops up in a spread. When I’m reading for myself, she’ll sometimes be Card 1 in my Celtic cross — which I usually read as a message to have faith in myself and trust my own judgement.

Does anyone else use indicators this way? Or do you have another method you use, and when? If an indicator card for you or someone else pops up in a spread, how do you usually interpret it? I’d love to hear how other people work!

What does my spread mean?Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only)
  1. Ten of cups
  2. Justice
  3. The magician

I didn't do a particular spread, I just pulled three cards. That's the order they were pulled. None were inverted. I can look them up individually but I wonder how they relate to each other to form a whole message. Help?

Context, my priorities are relationships, current and building a life to supporta future family, and participating in my creativity and spirituality through my work as a therapist, my art, and my ritualistic nature journeys..

Interpretation, your success in these areas will be justly proportional to your effort?

Asked what challenges I’ll face and pulled Sun (rx), Knight of Cups and The Hierophant (rx)?Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only)

Hey all, going through a really traumatic divorce right now. My husband blindsided me and my kids with divorce papers on Thursday and sent me an email essentially saying good bye after almost 14 years together. He hasn’t seen or spoken with his kids in 15 days.

We’re working on short term custody and financial arrangements, and it’s already getting messy.

I’ve had a really sick feeling in my gut all day that something bad is going to happen soon. I didn’t feel like this last week before the divorce, so I’m obviously worried it might be worse than that. I’m worried it will have something to do with my 6-year-old who is my entire world. My son is 16 and is choosing to live with me full time, but my daughter won’t really have a choice.

I asked, what challenges will I face this week? and pulled Sun (rx), Knight of Cups, and the Hierophant (rx).

I don’t really know what to think. I’ve been pulling Knight of Cups for days, which I’m seeing as using my heart/emotions to make decisions. I can also see it as using my intuition to make decisions. Or maybe having unrealistic expectations of love. The Sun and Hierophant both reversed could indicate a period of isolation or disconnection but breaking out of the status quo to forge my own path.

I don’t know how to relate this to a challenge around my current situation. Does anyone have any thoughts?