I have seen the Botanical one. It’s alright. But I like it dark or medieval.

Psychic Empath

Sure thing. I have had spirit attacks in the past so u won’t attempt anything until I am very clear on what I am doing.

Psychic Empath

Very clear reply! Thank you

Psychic Empath

Thank you. Of course first learn and feel comfortable with the tool. Then dabble in this.

Using tarot for divination question.Discussion

Does anyone use tarot cards to contact spirits? If yes, then what are you experiences and what would you consider a good way to go about it with the cards. Maybe oracle cards better suited?

I would like to contact spirits as I do when using my Clair abilities. The difference I guess is that when I use the tarot I have to invite a spirit to join me and I don't want to let a trickster in my space, but when I do it via my Clair abilities they are present because of a client or because I notice them being in a certain place. Therefor I am not inviting them but merely observing them at that moment.
I have been attacked in the past so I am very careful what I do. I am a lot better prepared but still.

Getting hit negative energy isn't always your direct doing. It is often times that a person can become "collateral damage" within a space or in the vicinity of a person who is getting the shit storm. You can start to learn how to shield yourself and that way take less and less of the negative energy. Let me know if this resonates with you.

Psychic Empath

I don't mind the disturbing impressions. I don't think I can really, in a clear way, explain what I mean. Thank you all. I will figure it out. Thank you for your response

Psychic Empath

Thank you. I guess what I am trying to say is that I hope that by using the cards I can "limit" the information to what I get through the cards. Whennu do a regular reading, sometimes I get really drained. Not always. So I thought maybe using the cards would give me a little more limitations and therfore drain me less. Hope thus makes sense.

I understand what you are saying though.

Psychic Empath

Thank you very much. I know how to protect my own energy most of the time. Still trying to filter out why I sometimes still get drained.

Psychic Empath

I am sorry. I am not good at phrasing a good question. But yes the second part is what I mean. I want to use the tarot to do my psychic reading to put up a border between myself and the energy.

Using my psychic ability with tarotDiscussion

Not sure if this is the right place or if I should post in r/mediums but i want to do readings with the tarot preferably instead of without. This is for the simple reason that sometimes I get drained with a direct reading. I want to use the tarot as an extra shield to protect my own energy. I am hoping that there is a person(s) here that can help me with this.

Here is what I always tell me clients.

Increasing psychic abilities involves enhancing your intuition, sensitivity to energy, and awareness. Here are some exercises that can help develop these abilities:


  • Regular Practice: Spend at least 10-20 minutes each day in meditation. Focus on clearing your mind and being present.

  • Mindfulness: Practice being fully present in the moment, paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment.


  • Imagery Exercises: Close your eyes and imagine detailed scenes, such as a peaceful beach or a forest. Engage all your senses in the visualization.

  • Energy Visualization: Visualize a white light surrounding and filling your body, providing protection and clarity.


  • Earthing: Spend time in nature, walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil to connect with the earth’s energy.

  • Grounding Meditation: Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth, anchoring you and drawing up nourishing energy.

Intuitive Exercises

  • Daily Intuition Practice: Ask yourself simple questions each morning (e.g., "What will my day be like?") and write down your intuitive responses. Check their accuracy at the end of the day.

  • Psychic Journaling: Keep a journal of your dreams, intuitive thoughts, and psychic experiences to track patterns and insights.

Energy Work

  • Aura Reading: Practice sensing or seeing the energy fields around people, animals, and plants. Start by looking just beyond the physical form and noticing any colors or sensations.

  • Chakra Balancing: Learn about the chakra system and practice visualizing each chakra, balancing and aligning them.

Divination Tools

  • Tarot Cards: Regularly practice with tarot cards to develop your intuitive understanding of their meanings.

  • Pendulum Dowsing: Use a pendulum to ask yes/no questions and learn to trust the movements as responses from your subconscious or higher self.

Sensory Enhancement

  • Blindfold Exercises: Practice identifying objects by touch, smell, or sound while blindfolded to heighten your other senses.

  • Synesthesia Exploration: Engage in exercises that combine senses, such as associating colors with emotions or sounds with visual images.

Energy Healing

  • Reiki Training: Learn and practice Reiki or another form of energy healing to develop your sensitivity to energy flow.

  • Self-Healing: Practice sending healing energy to different parts of your body, noticing any sensations or changes.

Regular Practice and Patience

  • Consistency: Make these practices a regular part of your routine. Consistency is key to developing and strengthening your abilities.

  • Patience and Openness: Be patient with yourself and remain open to the process. Developing psychic abilities takes time and dedication.

By regularly engaging in these exercises, you can gradually enhance your psychic abilities, becoming more attuned to your intuition and the subtle energies around you.

I have a Generalized Anxiety Disorder. When I went through my first attunement I didn't feel too much. After the second and especially the third I had to experience a lot of anxiety. But know that it is part of moving up to a higher vibration and that it will pass. It will become less frequent afterwards.

Psychic Empath

Written has my preference because I can read it and reread it when I want.

Empaths often deeply feel the emotions of others, which can be overwhelming and draining.

Setting boundaries is crucial for their well-being. By establishing clear limits, empaths can protect their energy and emotional health. Boundaries help prevent emotional overload, reduce stress, and ensure that empaths maintain a sense of self. Techniques include limiting time with energy-draining individuals, creating personal space, and practicing self-care routines.

Ultimately, these boundaries allow empaths to engage with others compassionately without compromising their own mental health.

Me too! I have PTSD, Generalized anxiety disorder, OCD and so many side effects etc.

Someone who is really an empath would not say such things.

The card deck in the image appears to be the "The Sacred Self-Care Oracle" by Jill Pyle. This deck focuses on self-care practices and features colorful, modern illustrations designed to inspire and guide users towards self-love and well-being. The artwork and themes of the cards, as seen in the image, are consistent with this deck.

The tarot deck in the image is the "Pulp Tarot" by Todd Alcott. This deck features a vintage comic book style with bold illustrations reminiscent of pulp fiction magazines. The distinct artwork and styling make it recognizable among modern tarot decks.

The tarot deck shown in the image is the "Memento Mori Oracle" by Claire Goodchild. This deck features a distinctive black and gold color scheme with skeletal and death-themed imagery, blending elements of the traditional tarot with a unique, gothic aesthetic.

The tarot deck you're referring to is likely the "Everyday Witch Tarot" by Deborah Blake, with illustrations by Elisabeth Alba. In this deck, the Nine of Swords card features a young girl with red hats scattered on the floor around her. This deck is known for its whimsical and modern witchy artwork, often depicting characters in everyday magical settings.