OMG! “Do you want to be here?” My ex-narc boss said exactly the same thing to me. I hadn’t even been there 3 months!

You wear 1 1/2 shoes inside the house? So your heel is covered, but the entire front of your foot is making barefoot contact with the floor? So what’s the point of wearing them at all?

I bought these pajamas too. So cute!

Who gets paper newspapers anymore besides my elderly neighbors? 🤣

The last scene where Mark Wahlberg is just floating in the massive ocean; that scene haunted me.

Maybe just paint the garage doors and windows.

So fascinating! Thanks for sharing your story! Not that I would ever want to be in prison, but I think we could all use a hard reset like this from time to time. Just time without phones, time to think and read and draw and learn.

Personally, I remember watching her on American Idol and thinking “She is SO pretty!” Now she looks a little skeletal.

“Meeting her mother for lunch” sounds like they were meeting at a restaurant, but it’s not clear. If that were the case, you would think reports would mention how long her mother waited for her at the restaurant. Given the fact that she apparently returned home, it makes me wonder if someone found the letters from George, an argument ensued, and maybe she was somehow killed accidentally? I’ve always found this case intriguing as well.

Whatever drugs they had her on fucked up her brain. She’s like that crazy lady in the neighborhood who you try to avoid getting caught up in conversation with.

That actress from the cockroach episode is exquisitely beautiful too! Reminds me of Janine Turner from Northern Exposure.