Quitting league was the best thing I ever did. Played since season 5 (albeit with a years long break followed by a relapse), then dropped for good when the CCP brickware update dropped. Really though that was just an excuse.

To be honest, I like the game at its core. The flow of gameplay, the mind games, the amount of thought required, it's neat! But everything surrounding it was basically disease in one form or another. I'm proud of the fact that I'm not a salty or toxic person. I didn't say mean things or raise my voice, most of my friends are positive too, but every once in a while, nastiness finds a way to creep out from the periphery and show its ugly face.

I remember an online friend of a friend riding my ass for saying something along the lines of "it's just a game" and took this to mean that I'm okay with mediocrity and really wouldn't let the point go until he could tear some sort of admission from me. I didn't expect how common being a receptacle for others' projection would be and I know it's not unique to LoL, but the game has a way of bringing that out in folks.

Another thing not unique to League (but it was my group's drug of choice and for a few of them still is) is how it impacts conversation. Because the game goes quickly, you have to talk fast and call out new info as it arises, meaning you've got 5 people talking fast, loud, and cutting each other off. That's fine in the context of the game, but at some point that pattern of behaviour didn't stop when the game ended. I can only blame League so much for this as I think I'm just describing terminally online culture as a whole at this point, but it largely comes from League for me.

Kudo is neat but bears should be bigger than 2/2. Tarkir got it right

Didn't expect my whole day to be consumed by a comic but here we are

Holy shit

  • WotC has no respect for bears
  • Elden ring has great bears
  • Therefore, Elden Ring is an ideal IP for a set

Fair enough. Sounds like we have different interpretations of "hell."

I think you've encapsulated the cultural shift pretty well with your previous comment - namely the fact that you went through hell. Some folks just don't want that and I think it's becoming more common place among younger generations that success doesn't have to mean suffering.

There's no one way to go about success, but if one person goes through hell on their path to gainful employment in 4 years and the other takes 7 years but reaches a similar conclusion, does the suffering have virtue?

That being said, it's certainly a privileged position. Not everyone can afford to take time.

SoundedUnlikeCuddles builds hyper linear and expensive decks with responsible interaction packages and clear wincons

I build convoluted nonsense and don't know what the fuck I'm doing

What do havoc eater and siege dragon do for recursion?

Sonata Arctica was my foray into the genre and remains my favorite.

Pls at least try listening to their songs The Cage and 8th Commandment

I'm running a horror game but my players bring looney tunes energy to the table and I'm all for it

I have a run going rn with oil fungal shifted into healthium and the oil blood perk.

Do the shift and pray

Armorer 3/ Arcane Trickster X (start with a level in rogue if you can for the proficiencies)

You get to prioritize INT for your attacks and some of my favorite RP skills, your admittedly limited spells have a much better success rate than if you were to be a full AT, you get a lightning blaster that works with sneak attack, and you get to sneak around in full plate without disadvantage.

I really really wanted to like Belbe but needing a balance of little pingers/ unblockables and big boys leads to some really weird draws

Also, in my very limited experience with her, she really doesn't last long on the field; no one thinks the additional mana is worth having the eldrazi player pop off

I totally second this; it's like how you might wanna listen to music before you learn how to play it so you know what you're going for. If you're coming from casual play, you really get a feel for what CEDH lines of play feel like.

Not a catch all, but somethibg I like to adhere to is that the best treasure chests are other creatures.

Whipped up a neat homebrew weapon you want to taunt the party with? Put it in an enemy gnoll's hands and have them devise a way to get it. Maybe stealth could work but it seems like a fight or other trickery might be better.

Nitpick (to stir petty aggression)