i know what that is from someone's kink list (a website called f-list lets you make kink lists, and you can click on kinks to see the explanation/definition)

nah i want the werewolf to bite me so i can turn into one

im into TF

yea i was about to say it looks AI generated

Yeah most the tradgdeigh names i know are not really that bad now that you mention it


i like this meme format instead of the usual doomposting, but i do want to see less doomposting just in general. I'm in a very tight spot rn and idk what to do other than vote Democrat this election...

opera GX used to work on youtube by fast-forwarding ads automatically, but I think that got patched because it stopped working for me.

people were confused by the spelling and spelled it Kia

not that i'm aware of. They basically told me to ignore my family as if that helps.

in class there was a girl named Keeya (pronounced Key-yuh, like the car company)

most i've done is contact the Trevor Project to try and get help with my family's extreme homo/transphobia

they want to know who watches porn when it becomes completely illegal. Vote blue to keep project 2025 from happening!

lmao i'm 22 and have used one to save midi files from a piano synth

been this way for over 3 years. It's only getting worse.