I don't. Fucking. Care.

I would take a paperweight over Orange Hitler. And just hunker down for 4 years and eat Ramen noodles.

I am making the assumption. Usually the Republican MO is to inject the economy full of cocaine and damn the consequences. I think this time they'll not only do it by funding the rich, but also killing the poor off. From both ends, so to speak. Although maybe that's not that unusual for them. But probably exaggeratedly that. To an extreme.

I make the assumption because if he burns it all down now, legitimately Social Security will be gone and I'm pretty much dead in 20 years. I'll have to DIY that too. Like loss of job and loss of market and no Social Security and inflation just goes merrily rolling along, I am dead in 20 years. I don't care what the financial planner says, I've quintuple checked my own math and I can find nothing wrong with it.

It's bad enough he'll crash it in '27. I can live with a slow simmering rot. I don't know if it went to hell in '27 if I'd live. I'd have to be all in from now until then. Similar to how you risked that 10k.

We will know if I'm right about what he's going to do because S&P 500 median value for number of up years is about 3.5. Our last down was I believe 22. That means if things behave to schedule we should have a 12-18 month downturn in mid 25. If that doesn't happen then I'm assuming I'm right.

Check the history of Nixon / Ford / Carter and how they interacted with the Fed, I think it's going to be a repeat of that, with Trump as Nixon.

YEAH! Her!

She was saying PA is going to do great except for the two major cities are heat domes. That's where I got PA from.

They want what Trump wants. Vengeance. Who can blame them?*

Vengeance against what, themselves????

You should hear how right leaning people talk about the poor and the addicted. They consider them lower than whale shit. Those people are not human to them.

Someone has a history of just hiring private contractors to "black van" people. Can't imagine who he'll go for first.

The ones "making the place look bad", that's who. Nope, immigrants are second on the list. These people are priority number one, and not in the way they think.

Secession kind of worries me. Not because I don't think it needs to happen. Let all the red states find out what happens to them when they Brexit the productive states, that's fine. It worries me because it impacts innocent people, and because where does one move? I was thinking of northern PA but PA is a swing state, how red's that going to go?

Cali is not blue, I don't know where everyone gets that impression. It's red core with blue paint over it. The hypocrisy here is so astounding that it's why I thought for a very long time that hypocrisy is what Democrats stood for.

They just want fucking money.

They're not wrong that he's going to stab the stock market in the ass with an electric cattle prod. And he's going to basically march right up to the Fed Chairman, gun in hand (literally, now, thanks to this law) and say "lower interest rates".

And it's going to be (financially) a blast until the bill comes due 3-4 years later. Your colleagues will be whooping and hollering and dancing in the golden rain trickling down upon them.

Never mind all those Oregon black van rumors starting up again. And all those tanks you saw on the rail line? Pshhh probably just going to another base for a paint job no big deal...

And then the bottom is going to fall out in 27. And when I say "fall out", the economy will go down at the speed of the Twin Towers collapse once the beams gave out.

How is the Great Lakes region? I've considered something similar but don't know where to go. That YouTube scientist lady whose name escapes me seemed to indicate northern PA or upstate NY but I don't see much difference in temperature from Los Angeles in July, looking at their 10 day weather.

Everything has a price!

This time, the price is our entire species.

See? Capitalism works!

I mean maybe it will at least dry out my crawl space from the last weather event we had where we almost joined Aquaman.


Well. Before I "beh" I should remember that I'm surrounded by people that would like to eat the housed. So. Maybe not so beh.

To them it's like eating a bowl of Froot Loops swimming in Mountain Dew and kicking back a tripple espresso afterward.

I did that once!

Saved a turtle too. Gave him a lot of water.

Then almost died on my way back. Nah I exaggerate I just was woozy and fainted at the hotel a little but it was a comfy faint.

Wtf is this GME thing still going on?

What's it been like 3 years now?? They've been paying fines all this time????

The answer is if we're already screwed why should we care. Hedonism to the moon. Unironically.

The only way these people's ideas survive is through brute force

Yeah well they sure have a whole lot of that at the moment.

Underestimating this will be disastrous.

The only way we're going to stop it at this point is if Joe turns that frown upside down and uses HIS new found powers to clean out the entire Supreme Court.

That's illegal? Not anymore it isn't. Not for him.

Just like the next guy ordering up full surveillance of every man woman and child in this country, and / or black-vanning people and un-aliving them isn't going to be illegal anymore. Not for him. Nothing is illegal for him. Wiretapping. Independently drone striking another country. Disappearing half your family.

Oh we thought it was just limited to getting your hand caught in the cookie jar with a bribe? NOPE.


I mean in fact, come November Joe can just say "you know what, fuck those results. Do something about it."

I'm guessing they're threatening him somehow at present. Or he just doesn't care. One or the other.

Hope is that thing we don't have anymore.


Consider this. Them plus AI plus all legal barriers to full surveillance removed entirely.

Think this is gonna go a little beyond de-funding a school.

No one is going to reward anyone for taking the moral high ground here. I don't know if we get the implications but since they are effectively threatening dictatorship here regardless of which side uses the power, they've declared war. Not "are about to". Have. This can only play out one way with two different paint jobs.