In 2016 Obama appointed Merrick Garland for a seat on the Superior Court. The Republicans in Senate slowed, blocked, and obstructed to the point Garland did not make it and Obama wouldn't have enough time for a different candidate to go through before an election.

The election happened, Republicans won and then appointed their pick, even though if it hadn't been for Republicans, that seat would have gone to Garland, a democratic pick.

My wife and I drove from our home in Ontario to New Brunswick to visit family, we took in part of the local parade then went to the graveyard where my wife's grandfather is buried. He was Blackwatch, and Canada wouldn't be what it is without our soldier's sacrifices, so we paid some respects graveside. Othe than that its chill with cousins

It was a new world crop that came over, they started eating with their plates and cutlery, but the acidity of the tomato drew out the lead in their pewter dishes. Traditional foods didn't have that acidity so it was never an issue eating potatoes, stews, beef, etc...

So you saw these people eating tomatoes, getting sick (with lead poisoning), and reached rhe conclusion that tomatoes equal poison.

No no, I liked it!

HK47 is a character from an old start wars game, an assassination Droid who would make comments like

"Explanation: It's just that... you have all these squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea."

I could see him saying something "The human can burn for upwards if 9 days, so long as their respiratory and circulatory system remains intact. My personal best was 10 days. It was a good human.

Just going to say, given the subject matter and referring to a person as "the human" really gives a murderbit AI vibe. Are you HK47?

There are 26 letters you can use, adding 0-9 make that 36.

It's too much math but by increasing the unique characters available it gets harder. It also negates being able to just plug a dictionary in and trying every word in the English language since most people are too lazy to use a completely random password.

"The person to your left just smelled your hair kinda weird, don't worry, I'm watching."

Probably a scam, block, and keep sending orphans messages disproving their parents ever loved them.

His business is his, if he says things are good, things are good. If he says he's worried about his daughter, we'll talk about his daughter, we both know who his daughter is, why would I need the name? Maybe if he has two daughters?

A man has only one wife, if you can associate that woman is wife, names are only required for a personal relationship, which I may or may not have with her depending on his and my relationship. IE a sports team with 30 other guys, I'm probably not close with their wives, a coworker I hang out st work with? Probably not. Couple friends? Sure because I am also friends with her. Sometimes it's just enough to know "Dude is Married to a blonde lady snd they have two kids."

Totally believe able when you consider the statistics

How many scammers do you have, maybe 100,000, targeting Canadians, 34 Million, using robocalls and bots each scammer generates 1000 scam texts, messages, emails. That's 100,000,000 messages daily, even a 0.001% success rate,that's 100,000 a day falling for it, and when you consider there's about 3.6 million people aged 75-84, who may be targeted st a higher rate.

Then consider how rapidly things have changed over 30 years, on the 90's you called around for information, then there was a shift towards emails, and websites, then text updates, then apps,then apps, and if you spent the first 40 years of your life using phone calls, it makes sense you may think this is the latest greatest new way their doing things.

I do a quick roll and then put them on a chair or sidetracked, then say I order delivery food and gave to meet the guy in the lobby, I take my lightly worn clothes unroll, shake out the worst wrinkles and am dressed within seconds

I find onion cam add a sharpness to cut through the fatty mouthfeel you sometimes get. Particularly when there's a cheesey oil suspension.

Personally I find tomato slices offensive as you have a lovely burger then some watery mass sogging on top being awful.

I held about 300 v 1200, by sneaking into a castle that was under siege then sending troops, mostly all elite tier troops against big bloated armies of tier basic tier troops. Something like 500 militia spearman taken prisoner

Location, they share borders with battania, who themselves are surrounded by 3 or 4 factions, and the western empire, who border 3 factions, maybe 4. So vlandia fights all against one. Battania fights one against all, those odds who wins?

Then since they have deep territory they rarely get raided or set back, so parties can swell, loot and xp gain sky rocket, they rarely get knocked down and need to rebuild. As opposed to battania or the imperials who have booms and busts, vlandia just booms booms booms.

I'm currently playing a noble Battanian who aspired to be a knight, I married a Vlandian, and merc'd for Garios, after accruing wealth I swore fealty so I could establish a home for my family. When Caladog brought us war I seized Marunauth and Garios granted me the fief. I installed my Battanian Brother to preserve the culture, and led more expeditions against Sturgia. The battanians kept raiding my people, so I abandoned chivalry, every captured lord is killed in the spot, and I brought peace to Battania under the banner of the Western Empire.

Then I led campaigns into the desert, while building connections with Vlandia to secure peace around my lands. They were betrayers and again my people felt the sting of banditry. My blade filed answer and I left the sands, with hoardes of horsemen behind me to bring the peace.

First order of business was rescuing besieged castles from the invaders, and I captured lords by the dozens. Their reduced numbers brought calm, so I marched onward, Charas, Sargot, Ocs Hall, joined the Imperial peace. All I seek is the safety of my people, and so Vlandia is slated for annihilation, allowing complete control of the western lands. I seek not to be a king, simply a good husband, and a greater father.

Biden is stumbling, old man

Trump is rumbling, idiot

It's the worst timeline

Igloos check

I broke my arm to get out of school, since the hospital.psrched it up later that day for free, sometimes I break a toe so I can get free hospital snacks.

Oui, nous avons le fluency total dans le Francais et parlent English and French at the same time.

We swear oaths on her Majesty the Queen as a common occurrence.

Lacrosse is like baseball if everyone had a bat.

I know Doug from Saskatchewan

My uncle is a trucker and loves classic cars, he will happily spend time and money restoring a 60's car. I was talking with him as I only recently developed an interest in wrenching in my mid 30's and have no mechanical background.

He pointed out the window at the suburban neighbourhood, with all the SUVs and Minivans. He said "Tell me which one of those is going to inspire somebody in 30 years, which one of those is art. I could walk through my neighbourhood as a teen with my toolbox and fix 90% of the problems a car could have, but now you need an engineering degree and a laptop to do your own maintenance on any of those, and they'll be dead husks in 10 years because they just aren't worth caring about.

I think part of that is grumpy old man talking, but I think there's truth. It's harder for a car to be a passion when you can't get personally invested in it, and your less likely to fall in love with the generic.

I think there are other factors too though. Gas prices are high, so cruising aimlessly is an expensive hobby unlike back in the day. Additionally we have more isolated social lives through the internet and social media, so you're less likely to be hanging out at the bowling alley doing a casual car meet and creating that community, developing that connection to car culture.

Then we have the environmental aspect, people are encouraged to bike, take public transit, villianize cars, so a segment of the population will see them as something to avoid. Or something unnecessary.

Then you have cost of living crisis, where even a used car is pushing 15k for a high mileage shitbox, that changes the value proposition.

So it's a performance art thing, people go for the entertainment and experience.

Generally the drag performer is doing something else, so they're dressed in costume then do a stand up routine, or lip syncing with comedic elements, or dance, or juggle, it's also usually the case that they make their own costumes (at certain levels) so there's an appreciation if costuming too. Some are a bit cheeky in the burlesque fashion, so there can be some suggestive themes but it's usually not in an erotic way.

One of our friends manages a "house" (think like a performer troupe) so we've gone to a few drag nights. My wife has a great time, I take it for what it is but don't really get it aside from an opportunity yo get drinks and laugh abit. There's also a tipping culture where the performer may circulate the room and your supposed to give them money which to me just looks like a cash grab paying someone $5 for walking around lip syncing just isn't impressive to me.

My wife has also expressed enjoying it because it's a safe place for women to unwind since the crowd is primarily queer folk and women. They don't have to worry about straight men bugging them, they can have some drinks without feeling vulnerable and the community is usually more caring and supportive if each other than say your average bar or club on a Friday night.

I don't think you HAVE to be gay to enjoy it, for example comedy is funny, sure the jokes may be tailored to a particular audience but a laugh is still a laugh. I'd say maybe attend one or two to get a sense of it.

Lime any entertainer they tailor the show to the audience, a drag brunch will be less dirty humour, reading books to children will be more about the makeup like clowns, and comedy, etc...

I think the sentiment is less "Vote Blue because of their foreign policy" and more "Vote Blue because Red is showing a great interest in establishing a theocratic government under fascist control that is undermining education about things like sexual health, then forcing women to carry pregnancies to term, and putting women making their own healthcare choices into prison or putting bounties on abortion havers. Additionally the Religious Right is hijacking the reds, seeking to criminalize different lifestyles and morality, see drag queens, gay marriage, racial discrimination etc..."

It doesn't come from a place of fear for Afghanistan, it comes from a place of fear for their homeland.

Blackout curtains, and an a blackout eye mask

Avoid coffee and pop starting from about 1pm or so given caffeine can linger in your system longer than you think

Try to have a routine, so your body associates certain things with wind down time. For example, an hour before going to bed, put your phone down, turn off the TV, read a book for 45 minutes, spend 15 minutes cuddling with your partner, then rollover and try to sleep. Maybe a half hour before bed you have a glass of warm milk.

Invest in a comfy bed and a proper pillow.


You wear a hat to protect your head from the elements, sun and rain, hot and cold. You are indoors where their is a roof, you do not need shelter from the elements, style is a frivolity with no place in somber places of veneration like church, court, and East Side Mario's you uncouth son of a bitch.

"HI Timmy, welcome to Mcdonalds, I have to say I'm confused, you're what, 16-17? Ish, yet you list 10 years as a frontline combat medic?"