Guess what ? Lawyer and police can’t do anything I get it’s annoying my neighbor has cameras and post views of my yard on Facebook my property is almost to the side of her house yet her camera is watching 95 percent of my side yard.

Clearly property wise . That clearly isn’t your screen shot you took plus it shows over 118k

That’s like half of a small house .

must be on ultimate game pass bc not on mine.

Notice I said 90k ? That’s what he said she makes …she already told him to quit she can’t just do that I highly doubt they have a prenup half of that 7 million would be his if she left .

Dumb idea to work and make 90k … if you have 7 million you can easily make hundreds of thousands a year off basic investments live life you have one .

I just checked mine it was 12 and a half cents

If you are a professor at UGA and you got took you really are a moron .

My grass needs it but it looks like it’s teasing

Well hopefully you don’t have politicians banning the sale to help other companies take over .

enjoy it till we cant use dji anymore.

I never said otherwise if you get a mortgage, a house has to approve for what it sells for .

Hopefully this one keeps working

Good luck because you won't find that.