I gotta have the Dogmeat + a Companion mod and the one that adds roads/paths to the map.

It still feels vanilla with slight QoL improvements

I think these comparisons are wild because Itachi is older than Sasuke. Like compare Akatsuki Itachi to The Last Sasuke and that’s a more fair comparison.

Your logic doesn’t make sense because it’s like arguing Kiba was way stronger than Naruto in the academy, so he’s overall stronger than Naruto. Nah bro, it’s not about where they started, it’s about where they ended.

Virgin Mary flees her country and seeks asylum in Bethlehem to escape religious persecution.

Modern Christians: “Immigrants are coming for us all. Lock down the borders”

Smile of pride indeed 🏳️‍🌈🌈!

Are the white layers condensed milk? Does it end up tasting similar to flan?

You don’t hate Reaper, you just hate the type of character he is, his play style, and people that choose to play him?

My man hates Reaper so much he started talking to himself

I think this is exactly right.

For example, do I think Trump is religious enough to have an actual problem with Roe v Wade? No, I’m certain he’s paid for many abortions himself. Do I think he has ANY sort of objection to a women’s right to choose? Not really, I don’t think he supports it, but I don’t think he cares about it honestly.

However, he realizes the people who’ll will get him in office are vehemently opposed to Roe v Wade, so he lets them do as they please.

I see absolutely no lines of impact exuding from the ass. Sasuke isn’t using a long distance amaterasu, he’s covering himself with it, so only the part of the leg that connects with his body is affected.

Ok, I’m glad we were able to get the bad faith argument out of the way. Just had to clear that up first.

Now let me explain it to you in simpler terms. Why is it when we use a hammer, we swing with one end of the hammer, yet we use the other end to hammer in the nail? Why do we not just hold a blunt object, such as a brick or a metal ingot, and smash the nail in that way??

Do you think the shape was the point of the analogy? Genuinely asking. Do you think the point of the analogy was to say they are shaped the same?

In the next page Gaara says Ay would have been further injured, not killed.


I think you’re spiraling to try and save face. If a person swings a hammer, they don’t hit the nail with the wooden handle. No one kicks with their ass dude.

Here’s an even better illustration. It was his leg.


I just went back to see it, it’s definitely not to his ass dude. Sasuke is protecting himself from the point of impact, and no one uses their ass cheek in a kick.


Ass is fine, he could have cut off the thigh to be extra cautious, but it looks like the knee is the real cut off.

I’ve watched the sub and played with Japanese audio. The subtitles are always Flyining Raijin or Flying Thunder God.

Feels like people on this sub go out of their way to use the lesser known name in an attempt to seem more knowledgeable, but it just obfuscates the conversation.

Where would a person learn “hiraishin”? I’ve read the manga and watched the anime, they never labeled it “hiraishin”. I played all of the Storm games as well, and it’s referred to as Flying Raijin.

What two consenting adults choose to do in their free time is none of your business

Taped it to their lower abdomen

The best movies are the ones that were in preproduction for a decade before starting physical production. It means they spent an extensive amount of time on the script!

Do you mean Izanami? Also, I’m confused by what you are saying. Are you saying Itachi won’t be able to cast the jutsu on Obito? Or are you saying Obito won’t be held by the jutsu even after it is cast?

I guess it depends on which country you live in, but I don’t think they can really do anything to you.

Even if I couldn’t sell them, it would be nice to just stop by the children’s cancer ward once a day and save some lives.

I don’t think some shadow government is as prevalent as you think bro. They might hear that you’re saving lives, not harming anyone, they aren’t going to arrest you. They might pester you for a bean to try and study it. Ask about the source.

What do you consider rich? Like, give an actual number if you think 11 million isn’t rich? And what is that arbitrary number based on??

Lord Jashin was just Hashirama cells the whole time.

His full name was Hidan Senju.

“The proposals—which include expanding the court, imposing a binding code of ethics and passing term limits—are all unlikely to come to fruition any time soon, since Republicans narrowly control the House.”