
I totally see what you mean. It has a lot of elements Good curves and little straight at the top for some control and leverage. And a snugly round cup but open for sipping. All the things. TY TY

Much appreciated, I will go check them out. Thank you thank you.

Major good point. Distribute weight across the finger, not a circular cross section

Interesting. Do other people like that flat at the top? Looks like it would give you more control. I'm psychoanalyzing you now, that clean red nail polish, are you a person who needs a lot of control? šŸ˜‚ just being funny, you have lovely hands. Thank you for the post. Is that an open air studio in the background? Dang that's beautiful.

The inward curve gives a lot more room for fingers, and gets rid of the aforementioned risk of burning. How about the sipping from that flare at the top, do people dig that?

No burning fingers, check! Definitely throwing that on the features list

That's why I posted this, there's so many options. Totally agree it looks weird and it looks a little bit uncomfortable. But for my experience, as a glassblower I designed wine glasses with really comfy curved handles made for comfort. I have one of them, that floats on your finger perfectly balanced. I'm definitely going to try this handle out. Experiment a little, see if I get hooked as well. Thank you

I can see it, looks comfortable. And your bottom doesn't have that sharp straight edge, it's got a little soft curve to it. Nice, thank you

Having thought about this a bit, I totally see what you have there. Little bigger loop for more smooth handling. And the cup seems obvious. Comfortable round snuggly bottom. And a tiny little flair at the top. I was wondering about the flare, because I've seen other ones with a more exaggerated flare and wondered if that was better for sipping. I'm totally not into hot drinks, so I'm clearly gathering info from experts. Lol

Coffee mug: Your most comfortable handle, and mug shape if you want:PotteryCup: Mugs & Cups :PotteryCup:

Purely a function and comfort question. Coffee drinking potters, what is your favorite shape to hold? Making a slew for people at work. I love comfortable designs...but don't drink coffee.

I love this community, just found it. Ty all Just restarted ceramics as my retirement medium. 24 years away, as a glass blower...and career junk.

Best, Ed

Interesting. Please explain to me what the metaverse is, maybe I missed something.

This is a very interesting post. I agree with your sentiments. And Dizzy's thoughts. But it highlights indirectly a bigger problem. Sandbox is not a game, it's not minecraft, it's supposed to be a metaverse. It's supposed to be in pursuit of global appeal. And when I say global, I mean everyone on the planet. Not just a small niche of Roblox and Minecraft gamers. Everyone on the planet means, entertainment sectors, corporate sectors, education, etc. The fact that it's not even impressing the Minecraft in Roblox community at this point concerns me greatly. It also concerns me that the very loyal sandbox community continues to defend its current status against Mcraft/Roblox. Very concerning for sunk cost fallacy.
The Sandbox was never supposed to be a toy. It was supposed to be a completely user generated DeFi universe. It had a big hype phase along with crypto at the end of 2022. The NFT Craze died, which was easily predictable, but the Sandbox remained clunky and very toy-like. The actual influx of big business has backed away...for the time being. I've invested massive amounts of time as an artist in the sandbox. I definitely did not come here too play Minecraft on a niche gaming platform. The fact that we're having a conversation about making the "graphics better" and being "good like Roblox" and making that pesky "crypto thing" go away is very indicative of where the Sandbox is at in the general market. I'd like TSB team to truly let us know if they're trying to make a metaverse, a real massive METAVERSE, or just a game.
To be clear: I'm not trolling, I'm heavily invested, and this is a very serious conversation for me. I love TSB.
GameDizzy is a fantastic OG TSB community member. In general, I'm concerned that the conversation from within the die-hard TSB community(not just Diz) is to defend TSBs ability to compete with toys(Mcraft, Roblox). In 2024 the conversation was supposed to be TSB being the next Ready Player One.

Peace and Voxel on!


Thanks for the comments, it totally makes sense. After talking to many people Iā€™m concluding that the system is all about profit, quality is last on the list. Seems to be happening in just about every industry. The BS lines Iā€™m fed at all levelsā€¦so transparent. I work in healthcare, and the suits are just squeezing and squeezingā€¦. profit. Grift is the new black.

Thanks for the link, also very informative. Peace my friend.

Agreed. Iā€™ll fill in the rest of the story. I canā€™t expect the Reddit community to have a crystal ball. I was just fishing for an expert wisdom. If anything, itā€™s an interesting story About service. -went to a local guy, said something is slipping when I apply the brakes. Not sure what it is ā€“ they could not reproduce, check the brakes and said bring it back if it does it. It was doing it a lot. They got no error codes. -Went to the dealer ā€“ they said they drove it around, could not reproduce, did not see any obvious error codes. no one reporting that the transmission fluid is burnt probably because they didnā€™t check. -went back to local guy after asking specifically if they were able to diagnose the car and maybe fix, and they said sure bring it in. And then they concluded they donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with it, but probably needs a new transmission and take it to a transmission specialist.(I specifically asked prior if they had confidence hoping to avoid them wasting my time again) -Finally get engine alert, stating the traction control is off because of a malfunction. Take it to a transmission specialist who states it needs a new transmission. $5700. -Take it to a dealer who states it needs a new transmission. The transmission fluid is black and probably wasnā€™t changed and that my prior dealer is notorious for not changing fluids. Says the shifter sticks and should get a new one of those for an additional $1200. Replacement total $7000. -to the second dealers sales department to see if theyā€™ll give me a deal, and he says heā€™ll give me $4000 for the vehicle, basically transferring $8000 cost to me.(reminder, heā€™s already added $1000 onto the service department quote for absolutely no reason.) Iā€™m getting the original dealer to tell me what theyā€™ll do for me. I am playing very nice, and have yet to start pointing fingers about not changing transmission fluid at the recommended 60 K. That is a dealer responsibility. Is it not?

Basically, there are so many layers of BS and wasting my time. Itā€™s impressive.
Do people not notice when transmission fluid is burnt in a car with transmission problems as one of the main diagnostic potentials? The specialist said there are error codes available, if you know how to find them. Does that mean dealers and local mechanics? Donā€™t even bother to look for actual error codes?

I understand Reddit canā€™t solve my problems, but it is an interesting conversation if anyone wants to comment on trying to get beyond bullshit upselling, lazy diagnostic approach, and knowing when your vehicle is getting reliable care. Damn, I now have to double check the dealer and my complete maintenance schedule.

-Is the only true answer to this finding that one mechanic in your region, who is usually a long drive, but is actually the only straight shooter, honest mechanic you can find ever? -I own a business, I understand cutting corners goes on behind the scenes in any business, but damn, It really feels like youā€™ve seriously gotta watch your back in the automotive industry.

Looking for an interesting discussion, not expecting Reddit to fix my car.

Peace to all, EB Done with voice recognition ā€“ sorry for any funky errors

Interesting observations. I believe that's what you've seen locally. People stetotyoe themselves in microcultures. Are you also racist, antisemitic, and sexist based on your local observations?

Strategy advice needed, dealer never changed fluid. New transmission needed.

Summary: Toyota RAV4, 2016, 99k miles, the transmission needs to be replaced. Lifetime Toyota owner, take it to one dealer who can never get me in, so I took it to another dealer. They said the dealer I had been taking it to was Notorious for not doing fluid replacement. Transmission fluid was burnt, supposed to be changed at 60k. Car was just about to be paid off and be reliable for another 60,000 mi. I know it cannot be proven that the transmission fluid is the reason the transmission needs replacement. Question: how do I approach the former dealer? Tell them to take my car in trade and partially eat the cost of the transmission? I owe 1k on it and transmission is 6k.
Many options, just wanted some insider info.

Ty all.


The filmer was gunning it to blast through a yellow. Speeding, very likely. I give him 4/10 on the DBag scale. BUT the truck driver ENTERED INTO A COMPLETELY RED LIGHT. That warrants 100% blame and 11/10 on the DBag scale. Yes, the accident would be avoided if the filmer was not speeding, but it would also not have existed w/o the truck driverā€™s idiocracy.

Same. looking to verify the number.

Oh, that's a very good point, if it didn't cause the defense to jump then they don't call it. Which makes this a much more complex rule to follow.

I was at the game, I find this fascinating sociologically. Not sure if these are the rules from the right place because I'm driving but...http://myiafoa.org/rules/2018/ifaf2018/7.html

The whole stadium was chanting, refs you suck. LOL anyway, I wanted to make a point to look into this, still have to read all the posts here. Clearly both lines had come to a perfect standstill that is required for one second and then the dude lifted his head straight up. I'm interested to see if the officials make some sort of statement about this. Is this some accepted cultural deviation from a rule, or are they enforcing the rule inconsistently, or did this not break a rule at all?

Yeah, I was pretty pissed. At first I thought they literally locked me out of my notes because GN5 was supposed to end or something. Ooooh, nasty...seems illegal. I see now I can get it back. 9.99/yr really is NBD but damn, so many subscriptions can bleed you slowly. I'm trying to be more luddite-like. new tech racing and early adoption can be a real stressor.

Orcas, like humans, have cultures - one of only a few animals (us,

Whoa, that is very cool! Same species, same ecosystem, different non-mixing niche.