Another time travel episode we missed

A lot of disenfranchised felons too

I feel like some kind of warrior is the most immersive feeling to me. I try mage a lot and it’s pretty fun, but having to switch spells manually everytime turns it into menu simulator for me. I think it’d be awesome if there was some other UI option for spells kinda like in Hogwarts Legacy, that felt a lot more smooth than open ring the favorites menu every couple casts.

It really feels like something the minutemen would use

If you pick some of them and place them quickly in a jar of vodka, you can make an Indian pipe tincture that’s a mild pain killer. Maybe not really worth it if you know where to find Advil, but fun nonetheless.

I would say it’s better to have both. What I’m working on rn is getting a dual brake lever so I don’t have to work around the clutch lever.

Those look like they may be just what I need, thank you.

Thanks for the tip. I’m in Michigan and they’re really chill with them here as long as you’re not being an asshole with it and stay off of main roads.

I’ll do my best. The issue I’m having is I don’t have that small divot to help push it in so I can’t position it correctly

Awesome thanks for the help. I’ve been able to get them into the holes but I just can’t get them aligned properly. I’ll keep this in mind when I stick with it and hopefully I can make something work

One time I found the high powered magnet you need for a BOS quest in a trash can

I love Buckaroo Banzai just for the aggressive 80s vibes, but I guess I gotta say my favorite is Star Trek.

Awesome thank you. I ride really nice and safe so I’m not too worried about it now. I was just concerned I’d put all the work into it and then get it impounded because it’s a “motorcycle”

Definitely some kind of tensioner those stock ones are death traps. There’s something else that I can’t remember the name of now but it’s pretty much a little piece of metal that bolts into your sprocket cover and that way the slack in your chain won’t bunch up in there if something goes wrong.


I was doing some research about where I’m supposed to ride my motorized bicycle. I’m currently working on a Zeda 66cc, and from what I’ve read in my states regulations, that’s a motorcycle and I need to get it insured, registered, and can only ride it on roads. I’ve been riding an old 49cc china doll and have had no legal issues with it. Has anyone had this experience with these bikes?

One time I just found a second one in a chest in some bandit camp. I feel like it’s gotta be a glitch because it’s such a unique sword but who knows with Skyrim

He looks kinda like Sam Eagle

One time mine just straight up disappeared out of my cyclops

Don’t get me wrong I love Bob Dylan but sometimes when he hits and holds a high note on the harmonica all I can think about is turning the radio off

I feel like you can never escape getting laughed at on these bikes. They’re cool to people who are interested in them as hobbies, but to a lot of people I think it’s a bicycle with a lawnmower engine.

That’s a good question. I don’t really have an answer but I think it would’ve been cool to see more of that especially with Bajor. They could’ve gone really deep into local governments and things but it’s kinda just the provisional government and the religious people