I studied too much in college and grad school and didn't really date much

You can't even get the Japanese anime waifus you sexually fantasize and jerk off to


Marka Ragnos

Darth Krayt

Darth Nihilus

Darth Plagueis

I think that a lot of the prejudice comes from women who expect men to be "6 feet or over"and make six figures or more, be very athletic, and have thick hair. I think that all these social advantages give taller men a huge edge.

Some taller men when they were teenagers called me shrimp, midget or three feet tall (I'm 5'3). I feel like I am not taken seriously as a man by a lot of young women who mount all these expectations and pressure on men when the reality is starkly different for me.

I also have speech impediments and learning disabilities, which may affect how women may see me and judge me as opposed to wanting to get to know me better.

As a short guy, I have fewer options in dating, employment, and financially, even though I have a masters degree from grad school and am college educated. I feel like I have to work 10 times harder than taller men to get to the same results.


All the time. I think that the term "male privilege" is really degrading and patronizing

She's a gold digger. I'd confront her about this and then break up. She doesn't love you. She's just stringing you along.

I betcha they wouldn't thirst on him if he was 5'4.


"It's empowering for women to seek dangerous men, but anyways, fuck the Patriarchy!"


Indeed! I could also pass as a Dwarf because of my medium length Thorin like beard.

Your "friend" pressured you, harassed you, and sexually assaulted you against your consent. He's NOT your friend. He gave you a handjob and blowjob against your consent. That is sexual assault.

Biden needs to resign from the presidency because he is showing clear signs of dementia. There should be a presidential age limit enacted to bar people 65 and older from running

Only if you can afford it. He may not afford a big city.