Book recommendations Nero


I'm very curious about Nero currently and I am wondering if there is any good book I can grav that has a comparably good story telling and is understandable.

I have heard of Tacitus annales, but that is not just about Nero and also seems not so much ... Specific? Or rather it has a strange writing style, at least the translation I grabbed.

I would love if someone has a good recommendation in English or preferably German hehe.

Thank you

Warum sind den alle hier so wild in den Kommentaren 😂 ich finde das sieht super aus! Die Römer haben das Brot auch mit Schnur gebacken und es macht echt super Sinn wenn man besonders große Brote teilt!

Ich finde es sieht super lecker aus und Feier deine Trageschnur! Bei mir wird die Kruste fast nie so schön. Ist das aus dem topf?

is there any news on this?

i have the same issues but within complex fighting scenes. my cpu usage is maxed out during these and my sound is tearing sooo much

AFOP Soundclipping and CPU Maxed outTech Support

Hey everyone, I'm curious because I think there might have been discussions about this issue before, but Google hasn't been much help recently, so I wanted to bring it up again.

I started playing AFOP a week ago, and overall, the game runs smoothly, just like everything else. However, I've encountered a problem>! in the Celebration Mountains area, particularly at the camp or during intense fights inside RDA bases!<. My sound starts to glitch terribly—it sounds like a box of screws being shaken.

After some investigation, I believe I've pinpointed the issue.

Here are my specs:

  • CPU: i7-12700k
  • GPU: RTX 4080
  • SSD with plenty of space
  • 32GB dual-channel RAM

During these specific scenes and battles, my GPU usage sits at a leisurely 45%, and none of the other components are overly taxed either. My CPU, however, is constantly at 100% utilization. Despite this, my inputs are smooth, there's no image tearing, and everything else seems fine—except for the sound, which is unbearable.

I'm puzzled as to why this is so CPU-intensive. I have friends with lower specs whose GPUs are at 90% usage while their CPUs coast at around 40%.

Does anyone know if this is a recognized issue with Ubisoft? More importantly, can anyone suggest a fix? I really enjoy the game, but this problem significantly detracts from the experience.

Okay, Danke für die rückmeldung, das hilft mir schonmal dran zu bleiben :D

Ich werde jetzt einfach Mal ein wenig damit experimentieren und backen mit dem was Ich hab und ein wenig hefe hinzugeben.

30g anstellgut
50g mehl
50g wasser

so wars zumindest beschrieben.

Selbst angerührt. Ohne alles.

Nur Wasser und Dinkelvolkorn Und täglich um 12 gefüttert

Auch 50/50 Ich hab eben mal mit 50/40 gearbeitet Jetzt war er besser com Verhältnis

Ist mein Sauerteig richtig so?Frage

Hallo zusammen,

ich wage mich zum ersten Mal an die Herstellung von Sauerteig und habe dabei einfach das erste Rezept ausprobiert, das ich als interesant empfunden habe. Hierfür verwende ich Dinkelvollkornmehl. Nach weiterer Recherche stieß ich jedoch auf Informationen, dass Vollkornmehl aufgrund des hohen Schalengehalts das Aufgehen des Teigs hemmen kann.

Mein Sauerteig ist derzeit eher flüssig und breiig, weist aber kleine Bläschen auf. Er riecht normal sauer und zeigt keine Flecken oder andere Auffälligkeiten. Allerdings geht er auch nach sechs Tagen kaum auf – er hat vielleicht um ein Fünftel an Höhe zugenommen. Ist das normal?
In den guides im internet sieht ehr eher fluffig aus und schiest in die höhe... geschweige denn sieht er bei weitem nicht so wässrig breiig aus.

Ist die Verwendung von Dinkelvollkornmehl vielleicht besonders anspruchsvoll? Könnte ich zu viel Wasser verwenden oder den Teig zu wenig füttern? Oder benötigt der Prozess einfach mehr Zeit? Ist der Teig in seinem jetzigen Zustand schon bereit zum Backen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus für eure Tipps und Ratschläge!

Teig im 1. Glas

Teig im 1. Glas

Teig wenn ich ihn kippe.

Teig im 2. Glas

Teig im 2. Glas


I usually just try to get celibacy as soon as possible. Thereby I only get one child ... Or lets say many as I need to pull my plans through haha.


Sadly a lot of people hate all the new Disney productions, and that include phasma specific, coming from the Frist order era.

Its not my favourite era but neither would i say it is bad, i like it. and that also goes for many people that are fine with Disney productions.

Phasma is a great character that simply got bad luck with her era. The book itself i love a lot. In the shows I'd say yeah ... She does not get the time she desversev but that's always hard with movies.


Light of the Jedi is also my fave so far. But i also agree to the parts with the queen's trilogy which add so much more depth to everything. Especially Palpatin who has so Many different aspects and facettes to him that were just lovely to read.


I truly believe you will like the high republic era books. Especially in the first one you will feel a lot of pain how you describe it and the synergy between action and story is well done. It's a good mix!

What i really love about the books - especially those of EK Johnston like Ahsoka - is that they do not go too deep into the war sections. It is lovely to watch but sometimes a bummer to read and often are just hard to follow and feel short. Like someone's leaping and throwing a saber and the fight is over, yet i also don't want to read 10 pages about the details someone fought. I really like how characters build a relationship, meet new people, discuss and so on. It adds depth to the whole Star wars war scenarios.

For my personal taste such books would be higher ranked. But that's really a taste thing.

Never said to watch rebels first. Your era order is also true!
My point was to also watch Rebels aswell regardles of it being an animated show.

Sadly there is to many that leave out the animated series and only watch live action. But the character development and let alone the introduction of Ahsoka is IMHO important for the stroy.

one could argue to also read Ahsoka by E.K. Johnston as it closes the bridge between 3 to rebels, but I totaly understand that it takes a lot of time many would not want to invest.


I do not really have a certified opinion here yet. It might be worth it to watch solo first as it shows a lot of open ends that might be explained in the future of obi-wan.

So why not go for solo first?

I do, however, recommend to watch Rebels as well, cause certain characters get added so much more depth!


Id love to have canon aswell :)

Where do people get these limited edtions from?Question

I saw several limited edtions on ebay and i also thought i was up to date when it came new published books. So i look online if there are special editions and the only i find are some signed books but not really special ones. Tho on ebay all these limited super fancy editions pop up.

Where do i get these new? Only on festivals? only at Anaheim or is there also an European festival where i can get these from?

Star Wars Thrawn signed Limited Edition


I hope you were able to read thrawn ascendancy 1 and 2 already.
But she got you some of, what i belive to be, the best of the novels :)


i love the solitary of the place. at least it looks like it.

how do you like thrawn so far?


Most of the books are really really good and for me as a huge fan i like to suck up every little detail there is. But just as with movies, sometimes you have to go back to them an d reread them to realize you forgot or may not even have noticed something.
But i like to think of my collection as a kind of family thing. My brother comes by sometimes and gets one of the books to read them. My cousins aswell. My dad gave me his collection of the DUNE novels when i was a little older and i might even give my collection to my younglings (if i ever consider having some).

I remeber that as a kid we had small room full of books in our holiday house abroad full of Disney books. Hundrest of little mickey mouse comics and such. It was soooo much fun reading them all while we were on holiday. I like to think that one time in the future someone might have the same experience with my collection aswell.

I also always think "i dont have the time to read them all" when i bougt the high republic books in a whole. But then once in a while i find myself reading half of a book within just a day due to long train rides, and empty schedule or a very long break. the only thing i had to get used to was: ALWAYS CARRY ONE OF THEM WITH YOU! and you will find some time to read them.

But why spend money?
IMO you dont even have to spend that much. I am a collector of limited editions and hardcovers but the paperbacks will do the magic aswell! Especially if you are here for the story and not the books themselves. You can get many books online that are used but in extremely good shape for almost nothing. Plus you really do a small favour for the environment. (EG. i found the thrawn and aftermatch trilogy all together for just 50$ in a good shape, you would have to pay at least 25 or more for each.)

there is many ways you can finance your books actually.
As a previous commenter noted you can buy hardcovers and resell them later when they are out of print (2 to 5 years). If you are lucky you had a comfortable book that felt nice for some time and might even keep it bacause you really liked it. or you resell it for the same or even more.

or else you rebuy some paperbacks if you want to keep them anyway. they are cheap but reselling them again in the future might be not worth it.

you literally go to the libary or book store to read them.

IMHO they are worth it if you like star wars and the characters!

Flixbus [12 and 30€]

Got two vouchers left. One 12,45€ and the other 29,99€ Would love to resell them! Let me know your offer in a DM :)

My face is basically very symmetrical but i have a very right sided smiley. Like my whole right muscles work to smile an the left is just like 'ill see what i can do'...

I've started to flinch my left eye so it looks more even on pictures and trained it in the mirror. It became a habit so I totally do it unconsciously now. Try it, it might help to flinch with the bigger eye.

Other than that you are very handsome. I didn't even notice the akne but that might because I don't really see it as negative thing but much more as a regular trait in people.


Haha omg that's so shady. So you don't actually post but simply make some people's life a little harder on your fake one?

Dear Men with Finstas or second Instagram accounts: What do you use them for? and which do you consider to be the fake one?

To clear some things up:
A Finstagram is commonly mistaken to be a Friends-Instagram. It
is in fact a Fake-Instagram that people use to do many things. Stalking,
Embarrasing pictures, pictures I want only my close friends to see (this is
where the misconception of friends-insta comes from), some even use them to
watch or post porn or sexual content, or a trained algorithm.

My Speciffic question is:
1. What do you use each of your Finstas for? Be honest.
2. If you share more personal things or things the public should not know about
you, which is the Fake one? The Main where you create a perfect public picture
of you, or the second one where you post what realy interests you or is embarrassing?
Think about it.
