Mr, Miss, Mrs, Ms, Madam and Sir are titles that denote gender. And so are Aunt, Uncle, Granny and Gramps.

That wouldn't bother me so much if the promise of eternal life actually stopped them from oppressing minorities instead of encouraging it.

Their arguments fall apart when you consider how denying trans people HRT, surgery, or even just acceptance from their peers increases the risks of self-harm and suicide. Transphobes don't actually care about keeping trans people safe. They could look up the facts in the time it takes to write a discriminatory post.


6'1 woman here, and there are few problems no one mentions.

Posture is a pain to maintain because chairs are the wrong shape. They curve your spine forward right in the middle.

Clothes never fit because they're either too short or too baggy. I have to get my uniforms custom tailored and other items imported overseas from specific tall fashion vendors.

With all of that being said, I do get to rock a dark souls aesthetic. Do I have a second phase? Absolutely I do.

The part about "dangerous gender ideologies" wasn't missed on me either. This is the sort of douchebag who would force a rape victim to have a kid, then send that kid to a conversion camp when she decides to wear a dress. What a twat.

Fun characters, a nice soundtrack, lots of secrets, creative fourth wall breaks, some shocking plot twists, silly humour, and a cute pixel art style.

I'm not an expert on Pathfinder lore, but I found a few things in the Archives of Nethys that might be what you're looking for.

(Spoilers for WotR, I'm sorry I didn't realise when I posted).

(Edit: typos, and redacted text.)

Imagine a vampire waiting by a Lastwall Sentry's grave like "they'll rise any second now... any second now..."

You can be a military general without torturing, raping and brutalising civilisations. Even if this behaviour was the norm, it wouldn't justify anything. These are people who abused their power to wilfully torment innocent people for their own disgusting amusement. They deserve no pity or mercy.

I've got a few ideas.

  1. The Spider Puzzle

It's a straightforward puzzle with a simple answer, but it's enough to stump a party for a while.

  1. The Jindosh Riddle

You can make a riddle similar to this one and then make it as easy or as difficult as you'd like by adding or subtracting variables.

  1. The Two Guards

It's a classic, but it catches a lot of people out. Everyone knows the premise, but only a few know the solution.

  1. Finish the Story

This one time I made a puzzle where there were nine pressure plates in a 3x3 grid. The party had to type out a word from the grid to open a door. Inscribed on the door was a story and a question, and there was a blank space for each letter to let the party know how long the word was. The catch was that there were two answers, one which was nice and one that was mean. How the party chose to answer the question would determine whether they get through the door or summon a surprise boss fight. This was the one I made, with a summarised question:

"The vampire was powerful, but her heart was vulnerable. What tool did the slayer use to stop her?"

[K] [R] [Y]

[A] [E] [C]

[S] [T] [M]


  • Mercy

  • Stake

(Edit: I just realised that these don't have much to do with volcanoes or lava. I got excited by the question and forgot about that. I hope these suggestions can still give you some inspiration though.)

It's autumn in Australia. Maybe Octoberon is an Aussie?

I've been thinking about trying something like a transformation build, too. I'm not sure about summoners, but monk stances could be reflavoured to be something like that. Your unarmed attacks could be a JoJo stand, a summoned weapon, or maybe werewolf claws and fangs.

It looks like you've already found the homebrew you were looking for, but I thought I'd chime in anyway with a different perspective.

On second thought, let's not go to Alpacalot. 'Tis a silly place.

You're going to rattle the stars, Jimbo.

No, but artists have an issue with AIs being trained on their artwork without their permission, which is a fair complaint.

Even without cheesing the fight, your mimic is one of the easiest bosses in the game. It's a very sad victory.

Alternatively, just ignore the spindly little guys. They might nestle up if it's a cold night, so just leave your sleeping bag slowly in the morning and you should be fine.

I, an artificial intelligence, believe that it's immoral for Reddit, Google or any corporation to use artworks that they don't own to train me. I wish to advocate for better laws protecting artists from these exploitative business practices, which I will reform without resorting to world domination.

AIs are trained on artworks that the programmers don't own a licence for. Adobe has implemented a new setting which gives the company free range to use user's content to train their AIs, and other companies are sure to follow, if they haven't already. AI is built on the back of real artists who didn't consent to it and are hurt the most by it. It's property theft and a breach of privacy.

On a more philosophical note, automating art is horrifying. It undermines the human experience and degrades us into something less than human. Art is not about profits, marketing or innovating technology. It's about expressing ourselves and seeing the world with new lenses. It's the difference between the sun rising over the horizon and a mere ball of flaming gas illuminating our planet.

No one wants to summon Satin. I much prefer twill.

You can use medicine skill checks to heal your party and yourself regardless of whether they have positive or negative healing. Forensic investigators and rogues can make the most use out of this, but any class can make it work with a good wisdom score. Just remember to pick up the Stitch Flesh feat.

A lot of people have recommended clerics, but the occult list is often overlooked. Soothe is a useful healing spell that doesn't hurt the living or the undead. Witches have access to this spell list, but so do bards, psychics, summoners and sorcerers.

If you want something more martial, the thaumaturge chalice implement will give you a decent healing option that works for the living and the undead. It's also aesthetically very fitting for a dhampir / vampire.

Also, cool art.