Can you imagine all the lesbians in the locker room shower with her in it?

The Cabal Encounter in Breach is still buggedDiscussion

Just ran a Breach Executable on Expert and the Cabal encounter reset itself and we had to do it again. Just disable this encounter already. I just leave the match if its the first encounter.

I use it to farm vanguard pathfinder nodes. Its way easier than Strikes and there are so many adds there's more than enough to go around instead of competing with your fire team for kills.

Its more for you guys and not the child. We've taken all 3 of our kids at varying times when they were 3-4 years old. They don't remember a lick but pictures, videos and our own memories make the price worth it.

Shes wearing that tactical thong. Allows for more freedom of motion and less butt cheek resistance for those devastating kicks

Everyone thinks it will be Guts but I have a feeling it will be Casca. Its arguable that she was more wronged by Griffith than Guts was. She was raped, her baby corrupted and then possessed. She lost her mind and also lost her comrades just as Guts did. The Moon boy will be the lynchpin. Its affection to Casca will be Griffiths downfall.

Season 1 Dwight was an edge lord. He grew out of it sadly.

Posted Screenshot of the Gear and Shader I used. Tough to find arms that come close to the Mark VI armor.

We can't have him here in our social club no more.

How do you positive cope losing an eye, arm, your comrades and brothers in arms massacred in the worst way possible and the woman you love raped in front of you by your closet friend? Then end up branded to constantly fight demons. Id love to hear it.

Its an Eververse item but Nezarecs Robes slap if you like that armored look, and so many shaders go well with it.

Oscar and his Ab-blasting. So out of place, I just dont see him doing this , let alone doing it at work.

This was a deleted scene wasn't it? Probably didnt include it because its so out there.

Does the Exotic class Item individual Perks directly equal the exotic its based on? For example, Spirit of Synthoceps. Would that give me all the benefits of Sythoceps or just the damage buff. Would it have the handling and reload speed buff as well?

No Class Item combo will ever replace Getaway Artist. Prismatic Double turret buddies trumps any Class item combo

Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder.

All are welcome. Even the SOL'ers still clinging on to the past. Not too late to jump on the BNL ride.

This kid doesn't know the pain, he's on an LCD. i played this game on a CRT and am still waiting.