So we have two more role players that are good at defense than we did to start last year. 3 if we still bring back Pat bev.

Seems good to me.

Me and my dad used to listen to “The Score” out of Chicago on the way back from games to hear them meltdown about the bears and/or cubs losses. This just feels like the new aged version of that.

That’s $29,120 a year working full time.

Old school rules of rent say not to spend more than 30% on rent.

Leaves you with a budget of $728 for rent.

Even if we had this in the US, rich people would find a way around it without issue. They’d just be like “oh? My job as the ceo of the largest tech company in the world? It only pays me $20/hr. The rest is stock options which dont count as salary because we paid our congressman under the table to write the law that way”

From the knuckle to the first joint? Is there two separate bones? Or are they joined together into one?

How does cracking your knuckles feel in that finger compared to the others?

Didn’t he also say something along the line of not enough force being used at tianamen square?

Ummm. Automatic grand slam if you hold him? What are we doing?

For me, it’s all about timing.

The fasts I’ve failed have always been when I try them in a situation where I’m going to have to say no to something very appealing.

If I’m just doing OMAD, I can get by hanging out with friends and passing on beer/food because I know I get to eat soon. But if I’m 24 hours in a 72 hour fast it’s so easy to break.

I WFH Mondays and Fridays. So I try to plan my fasts during that period where I can shut out external forces.

In addition to what others have said, look into the “toilet paper roll effect”

It helps me stay motivated.

In short, think of losing weight as like unraveling a roll of toilet paper. A brand new roll, if you rip 10 squares off, it only wraps around the roll 1-2 times so the roll only gets thinner by the thickness of 2 sheets.

But towards the end? If you take off 10 squares, it wraps around the roll 7-8 times. So the roll gets thinner by the thickness of 8 sheets. Same weight lost. Much more noticeable though.

So every 10 lbs/kgs you lose will be exponentially more noticeable than the last 10 you lost.

Wait. So will could’ve tried to score there and then when he was thrown out we could take the catcher interference instead?

I would argue that 2018 was also a “supposed to be rebuilding” year but we still ended up going just about all in that year.

I think it has much more to do with the available talent and asking price than people realize. If the right guys are available for a decent price, it might be the year to go for it before we lose Adames and Williams.

I think you’re more than likely right, but never say never.

I think any big move would have to be with 2025 in mind. It’s not likely but if an ace with two years of control became available, I think we’d pull the trigger.

It could set up for a 2025 playoff rotation of: Said Ace - Freddy - Woodruff - Misiorowski - Gasser

Or if a 3B stud becomes available at the right price, I could see us making it happen and then selling high on Adames and still probably coming out ahead on prospects.

A lot of random thoughts on this

  1. Don’t take at bats away from Chourio

  2. Yelich has said he doesn’t like DHing. It’s harder for him to stay into it. His numbers show that. I think you have to respect that and keep him in the OF as long as he’s playing good defense. But also give him plenty of off days.

  3. If we see Frelick at 3B it might indicate we are testing what trading Adames would look like.

  4. This might be our FO showcasing Mitchell to try to show him off for a trade.

  5. I love Mitchell but his strikeout rate is too high to be an MLB guy imo. Hopefully he’s worked on that and shows improvement.

  6. I think out of Black/Mitchel/Frelick/Perkins, Black has the highest ceiling. It’s a shame he’s crowded out. I woulda liked to see him get a good month or so of playing time to try to figure it out. But I don’t know how you find at bats for him.

I got laughed at for saying this last offseason.

But because of when the bucks landed Dame, they had zero ability to build around him.

With switching from Jrue to Dame, they literally flipped their needs from role players. From being a team with Jrue making their defense great and every role player needing to play ok defense but be good offensive players.

Now you need the opposite. Great defenders that are acceptable on offense.

Bucks have only really made 2 moves since the Dame trade. The Pat Bev trade and now this. They’ll continue to toy with their roster until they get it right.

Does payroll include the millions they’re blowing on a mediocre coach? Or just players?

LPT: McDonald’s will sell you a bag of ice for a $1. If you’re on run for just ice before a party, the McDonald’s drive through might be your best bet.

:mil3: Milwaukee Brewers

The instant switch from cheering to booing as soon as Greg steps out of the dugout is so funny

Yea I think he meant “it doesn’t get any tougher than that for the cubs” but slipped up. Still funny

Did BA just say “it doesn’t get any easier than that” in regards to the Phillies going to play the cubs in wrigley?