Im definitely not googling shiny falus balls

It's literally so easy to get some dried poppy pods and go crazy with some tea. I buy it bulk online as decorations

I would love something like off to the races

You should smoke a bowl and play som Sim City and or Civilization

Like some people say my Dog would never that little cutie. And it's a badly trained pitbull

I prefer small booba to be honest

I used to love this shit, neurofunk and jump up dnb is fun. Nowadays I'm more into techno but dnb parties have awesome energy.

After a couple of years it got old and felt like they always use the same formula, 30second of one track, than edging the crowd with double/triple drops, next track.

Chceck out Andy C, Delta Heavy, Dimension or Prototypes if you like this stuff

Talent is maybe 5% the rest is hard work so get to it