I am convinced these news are being sponsored by rich mfs, future meals, just to pretend that problems in economics is a generation’s fault, and not their greddy asses’!

Openly Ex-Muslim 😎

If your video doing anything like this goes on Internet (don’t matter if it’s viral or not), someone WILL report you, and you’ll have to deal with police

OP is degenerate with no regard for other people’s lives

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

Lmao, no one wants spend their lives changing diapers. People started to see there is more to life than giving birth to 5 kids and expect them “to give you water when you are old”

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

Amerikada tapsaydım sevincdən hoppanardım

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

Interesting enough, nationalist Iranians (living abroad, ofc) believe that it was Turks who made an Islamic revolution in Iran

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

Tamamilə illeqal edən heç bir ölkədə yaşamaq istəmərsən amma, çünki bilisən ki, cəmiyyətləri və siyasi durumları göt günündədir

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

My co-worker at COVID hospital was openly transgender, I didn’t ask her where she had her surgery, but she managed to work at state-level facility

Why Trump was the most racist president in the last 50 years:

  1. ⁠Trump questioned whether Judge Curiel could be impartial because of Judge Curiel's Mexican heritage. This lead to Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House at the time, calling Trump's remarks about Judge Curiel as "textbook definition of a racist comment":

Claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment

  1. During a meeting with Congressmen, Trump wondered why immigrants to the US couldn't come from countries like Norway instead of "shithole" African countries, and other "shithole" countries like El Salvador and Haiti

  2. The Central Park Five, who were all African American, were cleared of their charges. But despite being cleared of their charges, Trump continued to insist they were guilty.

  3. For the longest time, Trump continued to ask for Obama's birth certificate, questioning whether Obama was American and insinuating that Obama was born in Kenya, presumably because Obama is black. It is well known that Obama was born in Hawaii. Obama eventually released his birth certificate in 2011 to put an end to this conspiracy theory by Trump. Despite Obama releasing his birth certificate, Trump would deliberately continue with this conspiracy theory against Obama for another 5 years until the 2016 election when the media put enough pressure on Trump to admit Obama was born in the USA.

  4. "In 1973, Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice sued the Trump family business for refusing to rent or negotiate rentals 'because of race and color'."

  5. Trump defended the Neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville by claiming there were "very fine people on both sides." And this came after footage of the Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville chanting Nazi slogans such as "blood and soil" while holding Tiki torches the night before the protest.

  6. And of course, Trump's tweets asking a group of 4 Congresswomen to go back to their "country" even though 3 of them were born in the USA. Trump likely made the tweet because all 4 Congresswomen were not Caucasian.

There are many more instances of Trump's racism:




Well, he demands more mold, naturally

Egg On The Conker

He is the kinslayer!!! Kinslayers are cursed eternally (unless you are Euron Greyjoy)

Lmao, I won’t read the entire Bible-lenght shit you just wrote, pretty sure it’s full of Nazi hate. You may “fuck the sovereignty”, but all countries care is that. No other country ever recognized independence of Artsakh, not even France, Russia or Armenia itself. So, instead of focusing on nationalism that only leads to determine “who is purer Armenian” and divide your people, focus on peace. Cause while you live in US, making your bucks, Armenians in Armenia are living worse life than they could if trade was open with neighboring countries. Great to see you have a leader who realizes that, but what cost you had to pay to see this obvious reality

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

It also means “cucumber”, vegetable/fruit, btw, lmao

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

Stupid - gicdıllaq, axmaq, dub, kütbeyin, mal Cringe - düşük, səviyyəsiz Piece of shit - cındır, gəhbə, osduraq, götverən Fuck u - siktir, ağzını OR götünü sikim, sikim yaşayışını Big time fuck u - peysər Casual vulqar sözlər - xiyar

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

İlhamda daha çox NTV-nin “kirminalni” seriallarına baxacaq tip var

Mingəçevir 🇦🇿

Rüşvət istəyirlər, bala, tanış olsaydı presləmək olardı. Ümid edirəm, işin düzələr

I chuckled when he called the “brilliant” idea of Cole a prank

Openly Ex-Muslim 😎

“Little girls have to experience the heat coming from wearing hijab, ‘cause the flames of hell is worse, bruzzer”. They don’t mention any great promises for women in heaven as they do for men, too. It’s like whole religion is made for insecure incels