We help a lot of Canberrans utilise their Brighte loans for renewables. I suggest you reach out to the company that gave you a quote to initiate the loan process. They will have a dedicated Brighte account manager that can look in to applications status. Feel free to DM if you need anymore info.


Watch our other videos on IG. We throw harder denser things at it.

Our plan is to start throwing beetroots at the panel in honour of him.


Watch our other test video on IG.

u/skyshowsaustralia really curious how much electricity does it take to power these drones for the duration of the shows? and more importantly can we help power them with solar and batteries next year?

Naked IQ5Pnsfw

Haha! Not sure those guys will like any association to electricity and cars.

Yeah one of our staff caught it on an old iPad. Now we use it in our campaigns to promote apocalypse mode.

u/xtra1995 Just stumbled across this post as it mentioned us. We install the premium Singaporean made REC Panels. We think these are amazing panels and value for money compared to LG panels. https://www.sunstak.com.au/library/why-cheaper-panels-dont-always-make-cents. PM us of reach out for a chat if you are still looking for advice and a quote.

Thanks for the endorsement of SunStak. No idea who you are so this makes it extra special!