Canberra, Australia

r/canberra108.2K subscribers21 active
Where do the freaks hang out?Recommendations

New to town here. Where are the goths, the punks, the ravers, emo kids? Where do the girls with blue hair and the guys with mohawks go?

I've found Sqeaky Clean and Smith's Alternative. Is there something I'm missing?

League game etiquette questionEvents

Happy to hear different views on this - I may be in the wrong.

I went to a league game at Canberra Stadium a while ago as part of a group of 4. We went and found our tickets, arrived well before the game etc.

When we went to sit down, there was a family of 4 with two empty seats on each side of them. They were sitting in two of our assigned seats. It was really busy and these were the only free seats around us.

I said "sorry guys, we're in [seat number]" and the mum looked daggers at me and said "it doesn't really matter" but moved away.

Is what I did bad form? I was just worried that we would eventually be asked to move down if we sat in the wrong seats too. It was truly packed.

Where are the 30s sapphics?Recommendations

Wondering where my people are? I thought Canberra was the queer capital, but I don’t see it. Am I hiding or are they?

Basketball near Calwell playing fields?Recommendations

My daughter is playing in Kanga cup next week at Calwell District Playing Fields, can anyone recommend somewhere nearby where I can take for my kids to shoot some hoops in between soccer matches?

Best place to see Rabbits in Canberra?Recommendations

Okay this may be a tad controversial as all I can find is "those damn wascawwy wabbits" as information here in the CBR reddit - but in all seriousness, if you didn't hate them and wanted to just see them run around - what parks would be recommended at what times? Thank you in advance!

College Recommendations

For everyone in or past college where did you go, why, and what did you study? I am going into college in a little over a year, and I’m struggling to choose a college or even narrow down my options. I am a Southsider, but I am open to colleges further away. Erindale is my in area, Although I don’t know if I want to go there as I’m not big on sports, or performing arts. In saying that I don’t know what I want to study, possibly nursing, or paramed. I know I have a while to decide but I would like to be prepared for when the time comes so I can focus on applications and the transition from high school. It would be very appreciated if you could provide what your college was like, pros and cons ect!

Holden Barina MechanicRecommendations

Hey everyone 🙂,

Just wanted to find out if anyone knows (or is) a reliable mechanic? I’ve been taking my car to MyCar Tyre and Auto in belco (last service was last year).

Recently found out that I have a transmission leak, which is causing my car to feel like it’s slipping gears when driving (it’s an auto, but makes a jerking movements).

Any suggestions of who to have a chat with would be greatly appreciated!

I’ve put out feelers on LocalSearch but nothing has come up.

Thank you!

Cows and alpacas Recommendations


Wanted some spots between Canberra and Sydney where I can stop and say hello to some cows and alpacas with a healthy fence between me and the animals.

Ill be bringing my dog to Canberra soon and thought it would be cute to introduce him to some bigger animals.


European MechanicRecommendations

Hi! Just moved to Canberra recently and looking for a good European mechanic for my Mini.

Just had to pay $700 to service my vehicle which was very strange... Usually I pay $300-$400 for a service (this includes air filter change, brake pads, oil change etc.).

Wanted to hear some opinions from you all!

Thanks 😄

Daycare RecommendationsRecommendations

I will be moving with my family to Canberra in August, and have a 4 year old who will need daycare (not eligible for ELC until January).

I've had a tough time finding any with space, and the ones we did find space in (Guardian) have recently experienced some pretty negative media attention.

I've sent emails and made some phone calls but don't really know where to start as everywhere that's easily Google-able and we'll reviewed is full.

Anyone have any idea of providers who would have space or a short waitlist?

Are in-home daycares a thing in Canberra or only child care centres?

Best lookouts in/around Canberra for car camping? AMA

Is there any good lookouts near or in Canberra that you can park a car with a good view/lookout? I like to camp with in the boot sometimes with a view.

Preferably quiet and not directly off a main road (like more remote- not mount ainslie or red hill or something that’s got a car park) I don’t mind driving a bit of distance!

I have considered places near the cotter or Brindabellas, or even Tidbinbilla area. Even if they’re not established lookouts and just random hidden gems, I don’t mind a bit of 4wding!!

Thanks heaps

Recommendations for WFH but not from homeRecommendations


I work for myself as a freelancer. Cash is tight so I can't afford a coworking space at the minute, was wondering if anyone knew of anything happening (preferably Northside) that could accommodate y'know going to some place to work during the week, maybe chat. Any thoughts? I like coffee shops and libraries but I miss people 🤣

I'm queer so inclusivity could be helpful, I've been to one thing but it seems kind of religious 😅

Justified Suspicion or ParanoiaLoud Bang

Couple seen walking dog in suburban tuggeranong.. but with gopro on selfie-stick pole and seemingly paying close attention to recording properties. Normal Canberran walking behaviour, or suspicious AF?

Legit Q as I'm leaning toward the latter, but I'm old enough to know that I might be past knowing the latest ACT/Aus norms.

Psychic in Gold CreekRecommendations

I am curious to know if anyone has been to any of the psychics in Gold Creek at "heavenly connections". I specifically want to know if you've had a reading from Sarah but keen to hear about the others too. What was your experience and how accurate was she?


car registration transfer NSW to ACTRecommendations

tldr; do you need an ACT license to apply to ACT car rego?

I'm looking to transfer my NSW rego to ACT rego. I'm a student with current license in NSW but have been in Canberra for the past 2ish years and likely will be for the next few.

Just wondering, do I need to transfer my NSW license to ACT to register the car in the ACT in my name? I'm hesitant to do so because digital drivers license in NSW is a blessing!!

I've been sleuthing on Access Canberra website and can't find anything but don't want to have to arrange work around going just to be turned away (as has happened before)

Garden TrimmingRecommendations

Hi all, I have a medium large Chinese Elm and a row of Callistemons that have finally beaten me and my amateur pruning abilities. Would anyone have a professional topiarist(?) that they could recommend? Thanks!