Batman being compared to a facist is tiring at this point with these weird lefty people in comics and in Hollywood . The whole notion he’s evil because white with billions in the bank .

Project 2025 seems like more bs from Democrats desperate to find something to get votes before November. It won’t work and Donald Trump will be elected again . If you got Gavin Newsom it probably still would’ve resulted the same way . It’s also not going to happen whatever paranoid fever dream you made this into .

The one mono black deck and the several mirrors yes .

My buddy has one as his black deck and I think it’s not that much of a boogeyman to ban outright . You can get a turn 2 win if it’s high powered , but not when it’s built more casual. I’ve been building decks that are more balanced than these people not building optimally that end up complaining to no end . I do also run Tergrid in my Meren deck too and that is pretty fun .

It just seems like the top decks this weekend had no removal or had to draw cards to pitch to removal . It might be a little reductive , but these new flavor of the month decks can be beaten in the end.

Well removal of some sort is better than waiting to get combo’d out if they draw a cord or get a shuko off of a Urza saga.

Well you got to try till they ban Nadu .

Run removal and there wouldn’t be an issue as much. If there is grief or thoughtseize or something along those lines. At least none of the decks seem to have had these in their decks or any other removal in other colors .

I’d say race them then and have a sideboard that could go against it . Get a Eidolon on the field quickly if you can and just punch them in the face . None of these decks seem to have good removal against Nadu . I’m pretty sure good pressure will be hard for them to get past .

I think there was a 4 color Nadu player this weekend playing Orcish Bowmaster as some control against the bant version . You could play some good ol mono green Tron against it to outrace them and swing Ulamog on them . Boros Burn to see if they can stick Nadu or Endurance on the board .

A slower version of Kiki Jiki & splinter twin essentially .

Ah . How does this deck win in the end ?

The deck is pretty much a 60 card Cedh deck with Thassa Oracle as the win condition. It’s half the meta at least in the Magicfest . It reminds me of hogaak when the first modern horizon set came out .

Good thing I’ve been a fan of landfall decks and got copies before the plethora of landfall commanders that were released recently . Nadu, Necroblossom , The desert one and bill . A lot of these decks being built recently and that’s why it’s going up .

I think the supe virus gets formulated for Homelander , but it could depower him or kill him . Ryan could be the one to takeout his dad and end his tyranny . Idk if Butcher goes out the same way as the comics or by sacrificing himself in the end . Homelander could even kill Butcher finally and push Ryan over the edge .

The consequences of her actions I guess ?

Well this box was amazing . Congrats !

Yes , if you sacrifice a token creature this will force them to sacrifice one as well .