Thanks for the rec! I just finished it and it was so good! The MC was so sweet and loved the dirty talk! Also first book where I actually liked MC calling FMC “pet”, usually it rubs me the wrong way.

I agree with you on the world building. Like how do so many people know they are serial killers? Where’s the police? And how have they not been caught already?? I ended up just picturing a rom-com version of Gotham City in my head. I was also expecting the book to be a bit darker..

I couldn’t finish this one either. I DNF at 56%. If I’m remembering correctly, I hated how FMC was trying so hard to please MMC and he was such an ass.

I love the crazies! The ones that are confident, witty, trigger happy, a tad psychotic, totally obsessed with the FMC. They’ll go along with the FMC crazy schemes and 100% back her up.

Sin Wilder in {Caged Wolf by Caroline Peckham} Lorcan in {Beyond the Faerie Gate by Marie Mistry}

My great grandfather was Aquila. He hated it and always went by Quil.

Oh man I love Maven! He was great and I loved how obsessed he was with Mare. Have you read Shadow and Bones? The Darkling kinda gives me the same vibe as Maven and definitely has an obsession with the FMC. Also has a betrayal but they aren’t endgame and don’t have HEA.

That was my first fan fic as well and I loved it! So cute and I loved all the little magical moments they had. I wish I could read it for the first time again.

{Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher} When FMC learns her sister’s husband (the prince) is abusive she goes on a quest to save her. She teams up with a witch, a fairy godmother and a former Knight (MMC). It was so good and I was sad that it was so short. I wanted more story and I wish there was a second one. I also loved all the secondary characters.

{Not Another Vampire Book by Cassandra Gannon} the FMC is a book editor that gets transported into a horribly cheesy/ cliche book she was editing. When she appears in the book she messes with the books story line so she teams up with the “villain” to fix it so she can get back to the real world. It’s hilarious!

I just finished reading Nettle and Bone a couple days ago. It was so good! I just wish it was longer or that their was another book.

Yup! This is exactly why I don’t usually read books with pregnancy or children. Love my kids but I want that escape from reality.

Oh man I started this one a couple months ago when I was on a stalker phase. I made it to 28% before I DNF. I couldn’t stand how the FMC just let everyone walk all over her.

Oh this looks really good, I’ll check it out! Thanks!

Thanks for the recs! I’ll check them out!

Happy Friday! Looking for books where FMC is a healer like in {Warprize by Elizabeth Vaughn} or {broken by the horde king by Zoey Draven}. Any genre. Bonus points if FMC runs herself into the ground trying to take care of everyone else and the MC steps up to make sure she is taken care of. Or maybe MC is the enemy and is surprised that FMC would help him or his people. TIA!

Same I don’t mind it! I mean I’m short (4’11) so a major height difference is normal for me. But if it’s constantly being brought up then it starts to get annoying. Like yeah we get it.

{Not another vampire book by Cassandra Gannon} FMC is a book editor and gets stuck in the book she was editing.

I love this series! It’s one of my favorites! I love the slow burn. Kate and Curan are the best and their relationship really feels like a partnership which is refreshing to see.

My work is very slowed paced so I’m always reading. Super awkward reading super smutty scenes and then checking in a patient for their root canal. 😅

I don’t think I would have a problem reading my own name. But like others have said if it’s a close family member name I can’t do it. There’s a book I really want to read but the MMC first name is my husbands name, the MMC last name is my sons name and the FMC is my best friends name. Like nope just can’t do it.

Wait are the

Lincoln Earl. I don’t mind Lincoln, seems very trendy now tho. But I hate Earl.