Why is she always so red all the way around her eyes?!!!

They all look like haunted houses! 👻

So @TannerMann really wants us to think someone asked about where she was staying and then conveniently just shared that it was her rental 🙃

What the fuck is wrong with her? ONE we DO NOT want to see your wet body in a towel!!! TWO that was the worst and dumbest transition ever! Stop trying to make influencing happen Amy it’s not going to work!

Do you just listen to her stories and think “ what is this clown going to say today?” 🙃

All those women brought so much energy!! That was too much for me!!!!!!

That’s hilarious considering she was pretending to spank her husband in the reel with her friends last night

She’s so fucked up! Third child or not. I’m sorry no one is worth leaving my kids 1-2 weeks after giving birth!!

This little piggy went to market and this little piggy stayed home…

They are so bad! I literally gasped when I saw that story!!!

Did I miss why this is the biggest show of her life?

I have a screen recording of this I wish I was smart enough to know how to post it!!!!!

I woke up at 430 AND then went back to sleep for 3 more hours!!!!!!

Does anyone else think this kinda looks like the characters from White Chicks movie?! 😂

She’s probably going to the baby shower and that’s it!!! Just gonna be in her hotel room the rest of the time

I feel like I remember her saying in a story that they were real they just swell during pregnancy 🙃🤷🏻‍♀️ idk I don’t believe her. I think they were terrible

Esp when you have 2 dogs and 3 kids!!! Guess they will never get outside time!!