He had a bedroom. It's not my fault it smelled like shit. I didn't fuck anyone in our shared space.

I once had a roommate who had a threesome in our living room at like 5 am, was surprised when I walked by to go to work (didn't know what time it was), denied being high, and then those girls gave him viral pinkeye that he claimed was allergies, that I caught from him, and I was out of work for 2 weeks.

Dude. He cheated on you, y'all got into a physical fight, and he's obviously a fucking bum just based on these texts. Who gives a shit about this loser? Why is this even a question?

I also called the police on someone with kids in the bed of a pickup truck. They were on a busy 40 mph limit street, crossing an even busier 50 mph limit street. I didn't see if they caught the guy, but I'm sure he'll end up just telling his daughters to make sure they don't pop up and wave at other drivers at stoplights anymore.

Their fervor for a public execution is so creepy.

Couple things: First, Cuban is spot on with this take. Second, the Democratic Party needs to do less campaigning against Trump, and focus the campaign on Project 2025. All Americans should be deeply disturbed by the Republicans' plans for this country, and it's public information now. Third, if they are looking for a new candidate... Katie Porter for President! THAT'S a candidate the American people can relate to, and she doesn't have baggage like a Harris or even AOC. And for VP, hear me out: Pete Buttegieg. That's a killer ticket.

Katie Porter She's so smart, and has unique life experiences that resonate with a lot of Americans. She rocks!

I miss Howard Dean. He was very good about campaigning in red states and districts.

Then join your local democratic party, and encourage your favorite member to run for office. Obviously, we can't root out the poison to democracy that is the Republican party if no one opposed them.

Plus he was clearly rushed by the 2 min time limit. Like , who can get a cogent, thoughtful answer in only 2 min? And we know Biden has struggled with public speaking his entire career. And he's 81! He's bound to be slow and meticulous.

All this to say, the Dems need a younger candidate. Sure, keep Biden around because his experience is invaluable and he knows how to work the system. But he's not sassy or on the ball enough to throw off Trump. Give me a Katie Porter/Pete Buttegieg ticket ffs! I don't care who does which role. But we need someone who can clap back and has the vigor to do it fast and brutally. Enough of being above it all. Channel Rep. Crockett's energy.

When you quit, make sure to share that story far and wide, especially in the town they operate in, so everyone knows he's a fucking monster.

I say, "I don't know... I never heard of no mayor," or some variation of that, all the time.

"I'll have a sewer burger deluxe, without the rat feces." "What are you, on a diet?"

No one: ...

That Crow: You remind me of a girl that I once knew, see her face whenever I, I look at you! 🎶

This is how my partner and I communicate, but I'd rather do the polite, little white lie thing with inlaws and grandparents and such. It's not that serious.