I don’t know the point either

But Charli is one of, if not THE most, connected baby in the Square, either genetically or through marriage, and I find it kind of hilarious how the entire cast has just become one big family tree over the years

What should you do?

Simple. LEAVE THEM ALONE. You stole their passports and phones. You violated their privacy by tracking their every movement

They want nothing more to do with you? Good! I genuinely wish them all the best; you failed as parents so don’t cry about it now

(Assuming this isn’t ragebaiting)

You’re all sorts of horrible, OP

You can’t take no for an answer which is creepy as fuck, and what you said to Emily was just evil


Leslie sucks. They’re honestly better off going full NC

Best friend or not, I couldn’t imagine being around someone who disrespected my spouse and relationship like that

You made the decision to place your trust in your friend. You made the decision to snoop through his phone…and found ZERO proof. Despite this, you made the decision to follow him and watch his every movement when he was away. You stalked your own husband because your faith in him was that weak, despite NOT HAVING A SINGLE REASON TO MISTRUST HIM

I think we’re beyond trying to preserve trust in your relationship 🙄 If he’s pissed, you deserve whatever his reaction may be. Personally I doubt I could trust you enough to stay married

Three things:

1) dumping a girl on her birthday, twice 2) cheating on Victoria and trying to justify it 3) my personal opinion…him constantly running back to Karen (of course her name is Karen), the most insufferable character on the show

Your friend isn’t your friend. She was about to wreck your marriage on an unfounded whim

Also, I feel bad for your husband. Imagine your wife, despite having ZERO proof besides an idiotic gossip’s rumour wheel, not only having no faith in you, but actively stalking you to prove whether you’ve been cheating or not

The no face thing is weird. Was it a full entity otherwise or was it more like a shadowy figure?

Isabella and Amelia. We had twins two months ago and were struggling to come up with names. One (Isabella) is named after my wife’s grandmother, but we couldn’t quite settle on a name for her sister. Someone suggested Amelia and we fell in love with the name

Absolutely not. You did a great job. If more dads, brothers…and men in general…stopped fearing periods or outright ignoring them, and instead helped the way you did, the world would be infinitely better

Same. I get that it’s not a popular Pokemon, but the outright hatred of it, poor man’s Infernape or not, is ridiculous

Some people definitely hate it because hating it is cool

Even the BBC themselves are confused about him (and Danny by extension), as they have never been referenced beyond 2006 (in fact, Sean at Johnny’s funeral saying “Jake…Jake…remind me” was ironically accurate to life)

The official website claims “he was seen getting into a car with strangers” which is nonsense as he was last seen reacting to being asked if he was Jake Moon

I swear to god, with Chrissie returning and all…if SHE doesn’t reference Jake at all, then I genuinely think the writers have lost the plot

What I’m wondering is whatever happened to some of the other Mitchells?

Billy had an uncle named Ted who I assume Teddy is named after; he actually showed up once. Hasn’t been mentioned since though

Eric and Archie have a brother called Clive. He showed up at the Mitchell family do when Lisa was busy trying to run off with Louise. Again, no mention since

I’m all for the extension of the Mitchells if they’re good characters with good storylines, but there’s a lot of wasted potential too

“I won’t marry you, but I’m gonna marry my so-called female friend” = makes zero sense unless he’s actually with her and just stringing you along

In this situation, seriously, consider just dumping him