It’s insane how good some JUCO guys are. My best buddy growing up was 6’5”, lean, fairly athletic, and an absolute beast in pickup games/shootaround. He was by far the best player on the court in most of our high school games. He went on to play for our JUCO team and got in even better shape and had a much deeper bag after working with college trainers.

He was the last player on the bench and almost never saw the court.

It frustrated him so much that he sadly lost his passion for the game and never tried to even go D2 or 3, which he easily could have. I think his ego just couldn’t take it that despite being the best athlete his entire life in our area, there were scores of guys from outside of our small bubble who were just as good as him or better lol. (The plight of growing up in a small, sheltered community.)

Really thought you were gonna go the other way after reading your first sentence tbh. If anything, 17 is probably too high. At 17, that means you’re the absolute best player on 13 different teams, and at worst the 2nd best player on roughly the other half of teams in the league. Wemby is gonna be great, but he isn’t at a point where he would be the best player on most (if any) playoff teams. 17 feels about right.

Give the guy a break. “Next level villain shit”, gtfo.

What do you expect him to do, put on his veterinarian gloves and put a cast on its legs and give it CPR? Is he morally obliged to spend hundreds of his own money to take a wild animal to an actual vet? Why is that his responsibility?

It’s a lizard for godsakes, not a puppy or a person. There’s a reason why scientists use the phrase “lizard brain” (they’re primitive and don’t have the capability to express emotions). 

While he perhaps could/should have taken it in and given it some sort of shelter, calling him a “next-level” villain is absurd considering his only action in the matter was inaction. 

I think for many of them (not all, and perhaps not even “most” — but many of them for sure), it’s a grift. 

For every one person who is turned off by the “faith-based” labeling, two or three people are likely attracted to it. 

Religion may be a personal choice, but it’s a community organization at its core. And all else equal, Christians are almost always going to support a business that promotes itself as faith-based over an identical competitor that’s agnostic. 

They’ll have some agnostic individuals who don’t care and will support either one. They’ll lose a few individual customers who find their branding repulsive. But they’ll gain a lot of customers who feel it’s their duty to support a brother/sister in Christ. 

The last point is all you really need. Religion is fairy tales for adults. Looking back, it astonishes me that I ever believed in it.

I live in KC, and while I absolutely love the NBA, I’m not sure there this is the best market here.

I’m on the fence about it, because on the one hand, there’s nothing to do here outside of drinking and going to sports games (I think that’s why people are such die-hard Chiefs fans — even before they started winning). But on the other hand, almost no one here seems to follow the NBA (though that could be because we’re so far away from the nearest NBA team).

Kansas is really into college BBALL. And Missouri is too, to a lesser extent. But if you ask guys about the NBA, it’s rare to find someone who watches even the playoffs, and even rarer to find someone who watches the regular season.

Pictures don’t do it justice. I walked outside to take out the trash, and looked up at the sky and just paused for a solid minute thinking damn, that’s the most beautiful sky I’ve seen in idk how long. The purples and oranges and mixture of high clouds and low clouds were something else.  

Do they taste better than white people? 

The owners of Lemon Grass used to be a client of mine before I changed jobs. Not only do they make great food, but they’re absolutely the nicest people. Even after I left that job, they would always hook me up with free crab rangoons, which of course were fire. Glad to see they’re getting some recognition here.

As a Jayhawks fan — why are they on the list? KU won the National Title just 3 years ago. Maybe it’s because of how they often underperform in the tourney, but even in a down-year, they are still a 4 seed. Thats hardly worth being miserable about lol.

Or are they referring to travesty that has been the football program? (Even then, at least they’ve been showing improvement in recent years.)

Wow I had no idea that was a full song 

2005-2006 I think was Kobe’s actual best year. He was just 2 years removed from Shaq being on his team. Kobe had an astonishing 35.4 PPG in 80 games played in an era that had far less possessions per game. 

The Lakers finished 3rd in the league, in spite of having a pretty poor roster. Lamar Odom was their 2nd best player, and Andrew Bynum was arguably 3rd. Past that, they basically had no one on their roster. So to get that team to 8 games above .500 was insane.

I think Shaq was still the best player in the league in his first season with the Heat, 2004-2005. But the season after goes to Kobe IMO. He was just so dominant that year, and still had decent efficiency in spite of the fact that he was constantly double-teamed and took some of the toughest (some would say ill-advised) shots. 

That happened to my dad. Was absolutely shocked to hear that he hit a deer and it didn’t even so much as scuff the body of the car. Just totaled the windshield.

Do they stop the gas pumps too? Usually it’s only the convenience store part of it that closes (as long as you have a debit/credit card)

Hmmmm. Very solid suggestion. Sad that you’re probably right. But I know I saw at least one cop radaring on the freeway, and that’s 1 more than I’ve seen in honestly over a year.

I appreciate the advice! Should I try to find a role in a small-mid-sized company, or look for something that’s more national? 

Ok that’s a bit ridiculous. I don’t care about people going a measly 10 over if it’s just for a short spurt to get around a big, and/or dangerous vehicle. 

My complaint is that even when you’re doing 10 over, almost literally every single vehicle on the road is going to be tailgating you (and 10 mph is almost certainly an understatement). In every area of the city, you’re almost always forced to go 15 over, or get ran over. It’s insanity. 

I was just in Denver, and it’s wild how many people there actually respect the speed limit.  Instead of 9/10 cars going 10+ over, it was more like 2 or 3. I couldn’t believe it.