The neighbor sounds like a complete idiots, so the dogs can sit at the window and the cat can't? Obviously they wouldn't see the cat if they weren't looking out of the window as well.

NTA! She shouldn't even be hurt or bothered by this but be happy the family noticed. That means she did good lol

NTA, sounds like you raised an ungrateful child. She must be used to getting what she wants.

NTA! You saved up and take pride in what's yours, if he wants to take this week long road trip, he can rent a vehicle.

NTA! She obviously was cheating if moving out and moving was so easy for her. Block them all, they technically cut you out of their lives but still want the car.

NTA, your mother is the AH just because she is expecting you to still pay, knowing damn well you aren't living there. Sounds like your brother is the favorite. Do what your doing!

NTA! Your brother was expecting way to much from you because your family, he had over a year to find something and he ignored you. Hold him accountable and have him pay for repairs.