Rob doesnt seem to have a “type.” All of the women he’s matched up with are so different, both in looks and personality.

Aaron would totally take it from Kaylor, but not Rob. Lol.

I agree. I think Aaron (coming off his UK Traitors win) is the mastermind behind a secret alliance to win more money off these reality shows.

I think he told Kaylor they have to stick together to make it to the end and share the prize, then expanded it to include Rob and Liv, since Liv is Kaylor’s best friend. His theory? Some money is better than none.

You can see Kaylor looks at Aaron before making any decisions and after she made her speech about picking him, she asked him: “was that good enough for you?” Almost like he coached her.

These are not love stories, they’re strategic alliances to win and/or split the prize money.

Rob is like a roach. He keeps finding ways to stay in the game.

He reminds me of Jeremey Pena from the Astros too. Lol.

I meant “win”- as in “win” by getting Leah kicked out.

I want Bravo to bring back Shahs of Sunset and add her to the cast. Lol.

I like her because I don’t like Rob, and I don’t want him to win or get his way. Lol

As a Cowboys fan who used to hate OBJ, this makes me love him. Warms my heart.

Its giving Tom Sandoval/Tom Shwartz vibes.

I was shocked she did after his behavior with Leah and Liv.

I think Rob “bullied” Leah in the context that he had no intention of giving her another shot. He led her on, so his public tear down could sting and humiliate her even more.

That’s asshole behavior.

Leah is far from perfect, but Rob lovebombed her from the get-go.

She didnt really lie about talking bad about Rob. She told him: I never spoke bad about you to Andrea. She didnt say: i never spoke bad about you, period.

And until they show the full deliberation scene, we don’t know the extent of her “driving” any effort to oust Andrea. She obviously has a vote, so she participated. But did she spearhead it? We dont know yet.

Rob bullied her and wanted to get her hopes up for a (recoupling). I think he deliberately waited until she ended things with Connor to go for the kill and humiliate her on national tv.

Ladies, don’t let your sons grow up to be like Rob.

Rob is trash. Good looking trash, but still trash.

I guess we’ll see next episode. If he follows thru and leaves, I’ll admit I was wrong. If he doesn’t… Well, you know…

Lol. Rob doesn’t have a meaningful connection with anyone except himself.

Go Home, Rob. Pack your bags and GTFO. Go follow your girl. Viewers see right thru you.

The thing is Carl knew her during all those seasons and still chose to move in with her and propose.

So the idea that Carl is the victim is ridiculous.

They are both flawed people (as are all of us), but Carl is sneaky and pretends otherwise.

Exactly. I think she said something as a joke or someone completely made this up. She would be more concerned with getting an egg donor if this was real.

He got Traitors? Nooooooo! I love that show. I dont want him on it.

The difference is he knew about it. He made an informed decision to stay with Ariana after she was with Lala.

Ariana and Tom may have been using condoms when he was with Miami girl because their relationship was fairly new. Also, he had just gotten out of a relationship with Kristen and the Jax thing had just happened. It can take 6 months to a year before some STDs show up in testing.

Rachel happened 9 years into their relationship, and they were all but legally married, so they probably didn’t use condoms.