That's hyperbole

You have a higher threshold for what constitutes genocide.

What would the people buried in the rubble say?

What do the people dying from a man made famine say?


Does Israel have a right to exist?  No.  Does Palestine have a right to exist?  Yes.

No country has an inherent right to exist. That includes the State of Israel.

I support the creation of a State that represents the indigenous people of Palestine. That doesn't currently exist.

Better now?

Does Palestine have a right to exist?

More and more nations are recognizing the State of Palestine.

I agree with those nations.

A better example...Rhodesia. They had a flag and everything.

The Third Reich was supposed to last 1000 years.

No country has the RIGHT to exist. The people have a right to self determination.

The USA could dissolve tomorrow and a new nation can arise if the people decide by the vote or violence.

This applies to the State of Israel.

Even if some people misinterpret the Bible to claim a Divine right to the land. Which is pure hogwash.

You have no idea what the hell you support

I know what I don't support.

Israel is a settler colonial state trying to act like a civilized Country.

I don't support genocide, theft and ethnic cleansing.

This has to be a joke.

No joke. Just more delusional reactions to reality by supporters of Zionism.

Edit: make clearer.

It's the 21st Century and these Zionists are executing their version of Manifest Destiny.

They've deluded themselves.

It's genocide, theft and ethnic cleansing. The whole world sees it.

Beryl is barreling towards Space Karen's launch site at Boca Chica.

God is not pleased with Space Karen's attitude. He needs an adjustment.

Brandon should put every member of the SCOTUS in prison.

Maybe then these cowards will learn the impact of their stupid decisions.

That was a thoughtful comment my friend.

The lies are falling apart.

I'm sure he can teach a kid how to bleed and groan at the same time.

This guy is a manly man. Muy macho.


Zionism is Antisemitism. Zionism is a political movement with the trappings of Judaism. ideology destined for the trash heap of history.

Why are Christians pushing the Ten Commandments?

The only law Christians should follow is the Golden Rule.

"The Pharisees, a group known for their strict adherence to Jewish law, asked Jesus to identify the most important law in the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible).

Jesus responded by citing two central commandments: * Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. * Love your neighbor as yourself.

He explained that these two commandments encapsulate the essence of the Torah and the prophets. [Matthew 22:34-40]"

Operation Warp Speed was a huge success. 

Yes it was. Too bad Trump can't mention that "success" at campaign rallies.

We need Trump's Operation Warp Speed to expedite this process.

Edit: remove /s

People will ignore this and talk about a basement of pizzeria in DC

QANON is a right wing PsyOp. Anything to distract from reality.

Who was the prosecutor that gave Epstein this sweetheart deal?

"Labor Secretary Alex Acosta defended a 2008 plea agreement he oversaw as a U.S. attorney in Florida in which multimillionaire and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein got a light sentence in exchange for pleading guilty to state charges."

Alex Acosta was Trump's Labor Secretary. Small world.