Just looking for something that's a comparable build plate size to my Aquila but that I don't have to tinker with(I'm tired of tinkering with my printer) and will just work well and print well with decent speed and the A1 seems to meet all that criteria

I considered an Ankermake as well but reviews on those seem to be really hit or miss whereas Bambu seems to have great reviews all around 

Thanks for the help! I was looking at the p1 but I don't print anything exotic...I just print pla, petg and the off time tpu...and I can't justify the price for the P1 for just my home hobby use.

Buy now or wait?Question

I'm about to buy an A1 to replace my AquilaX2 but I was reading the sticky and seems to be a lot of grumbling that after this sale they'll announce a new model and will have an even better sale..

Is that a thing? Or is the pricing on there about as good as it'll get? I'm new to Bambu so not sure if some long timers know more than I do about the way this all works, thanks!

Same, though, nothing in my life be it, children, 3dprinters or commuting can compare to the level of sheer unrelenting rage I get working on cars

Is the Sovol Sv06 an upgrade from my AquilaX2?Question

I just use my printer for my own needs, my Aquila is starting to jam constantly after years of good service, I know I could probably muck around, change some fans and fix it but I'm kinda looking to upgrade anyway.

I was looking at the Bambu line and I love the A1 but $629+shipping (with the combo) just feels a bit silly as it's for myself and it's not printing stuff to earn me money and the mini is too small unfortunately.

I see now the Sv06 is on for a helluva deal on Amazon for $239CAD, it LOOKS really nice but most importantly, is it an UPGRADE from an Aquila? Or a lateral move? I love the auto-leveling, the all metal hotend, the dual Z axis, direct drive and that but will I see much improvement over my X2? (I don't print exotic materials, just PLA and PETG)

Sudden printing problems, non stop jamming (Aquila X2)Troubleshooting

Hi all, I got an X2 years ago and it's been amazing, until yesterday.

It jammed so hard I broke the cleanout tool trying to get it out, I disassembled the hot end and found a chunk of unmelted filament jammed in the hot end body, a good 1" long piece...I removed it, replaced the nozzle with a fresh one, levelled the bed etc etc etc... and... still having issues...

I've tried using cleaning filament, other filament brands and nothing, when I tell it to auto load it'll squeeze a little out (not nearly the normal amount) sometimes then go an jam again.

When I tell it to print it might squeeze a bit out but then it just stops, the extruder gear is working fine, it's doing it's best to push but it keeps clogging.

A Few times when I'd pull the filament out the end of it would be all stringy and like, broken stringy sections.

All my filament is stored in a sealed bin full of desiccant*

Is there a chance my hotend is trash? It says it's getting up to to temp, the nozzle feels scalding hot so... what gives? I've ran into jams and stuff before and small issues that I resolved quick but this is very puzzling...

Having issues with jamming suddenly after years of no trouble (AquilaX2)Help Needed

Hi all, I got an X2 years ago and it's been utterly flawless, until yesterday.

It jammed so hard I broke the cleanout tool trying to get it out, I disassembled the hot end and found a chunk of unmelted filament jammed in the hot end body, a good 1" long piece...I removed it, replaced the nozzle with a fresh one and... still having issues...

I've tried using cleaning filament, other filament brands and nothing, when I tell it to auto load it'll squeeze a little out sometimes then go an jam again.

When I tell it to print it might squeeze a bit out but then it just stops, the extruder gear is working fine, it's doing it's best to push but it keeps clogging.

A Few times when I'd pull the filament out the end of it would be all stringy and like, broken stringy sections.

Is there a chance my hotend is trash? It says it's getting up to to temp, the nozzle feels scalding hot so... what gives? I've ran into jams and stuff before and small issues that I resolved quick but this is very puzzling...

What would A train do? Punch him at mach1? His fist would probably just explode off Homelanders anvil jaw

HL wouldn't even kill deep he'd let him live out of sheer humiliation lol

That episode where Omniman wrecked the Thraxen homworld by just flying through it lol, what a beast! I'd pay to see Battlebeast V Homelander, I know BB would shred HL but it'd be fun to see.

Ya I think Soldier boy is the only one who would stand any hope against HL.

I still remember a while back someone was trying to argue that Homelander could kill Omniman like... what? But yes HL would shred the 7 with very little effort.

What's the deal with Abraham lake?

Hi all, wife and I moved here a little while back and where we used to live we did LOTS of crown land camping (always carry in - carry out , quiet and respectful).

I'm looking for PULZ with lakes or rivers and from what I've seen it's really only Abraham lake that offers that but... people I've spoken with said that area is where people go to do drugs, rage, make a lot of racket and make a mess

There was a few of those spots where we came from that we avoided like the plague... are there any other PULZ with water that are quiet? Is all of Abraham lake a giant rave or are there quiet nooks around there?


Cheap plumbers to camera a basement toilet drain?Recommendations

Our basement toilet hasn't worked since we moved in (it'd drain fine sometimes, other times it'd drain really slow) it's bizarre.

City of Calgary came and snaked out cleanout to the street and that's fine apparently & every other drain in the house works fine, even the shower and sink in the same bathroom the toilet is in

I snaked it with a Home depot rental floor auger and it just kept overheating, jamming up and broke the bit off (I know..)

I bought one of those 16ft boroscope things off amazon for cheap and it works well visually but I can't get it around the elbows it bunches up too much so... ... I give up

Anyone know a cheap plumber that'll shove a camera down there while I watch? A bunch of bloody idiots flipped this house so it's either clogged or... they reduced it to 1" or something (wouldn't surprise me)

I want to know WTF is going on down there... : /

EDIT:: Went with Calgary Sewer Scope Inc. Amazing service, knew exactly what I needed and provided for a price thats hard to beat, 10/10 recommend for this sort of thing.