The obvious solution is to expel everyone and reclaim the area as a Roman colony.

My friend caught a landlord doing that (he was friends with a neighbour who tipped him off that it definitely wasn’t a Chinese daughter moving into the new place) and he got a years rent paid out for it. If you do get removed definitely try to keep an eye on the place.

“Show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”

That being said he seemed to be more of a moderate soc dem in his actual politics. Fine with business as long as they were black owned and gave money to the black community. MLK was more outwardly socialist.

Most people I know who tried the books as adults didn’t love them as much. Definitely oriented to kids then YA. That’s totally a fine thing to be.

Somewhat, but those taxes rarely cover the full cost. Rest comes from general coffers. Vancouver has the highest fuel tax in NA last I looked and it still doesn’t cover all the roadwork.

I think the plan was for Kamala to be popular enough she could take over. Then the American public got to know her and she polled worse than Biden. The dem establishment had their dicks in hand with no idea what to do from there.

Absolutely agree with that. Just seems like an extra bad sign that they are turning down that free preorder boost. Must mean something is worse than usual

I’m a little worried about the state of the game when it comes out, though. How bad are the bugs if you’re cancelling betas, right? Definitely not a preorder, not that you ever should do that anyways.

Thanks for supporting Vancouver transit AB gov. Unfortunately not enough people are leaving the lower mainland.

Basically the only thing the games have in common is killing people. Think of hitman levels as elaborate clockwork contraptions of layered AI characters and events that you throw a carefully timed wrench into. It’s about replaying the missions over and over until you know all the hundreds of little details and routines you can use to kill your target in creative or just plain silly ways. That’s before all the extra modes like elusive targets that remix how you play them. Frankly, there really isn’t much like hitman so if you vibe with it you probably really vibe with it.

But also if you’re a named character you’ll probably get to kill a hive tyrant with little effort so idk what they are.

Yea man it’s putting the colour slider on someone’s skin that takes up massive development resources. I’m sure the 3-6 artists they had doing character concepts (rigging and animating doesn’t really need to be different between characters) absolutely bankrupted them. If only they had just made dudes instead. Battlefield would have been saved!

Suicide squad could have had a great story and it would have sucked because absolutely no one wanted another generic loot treadmill. How many destiny’s do you think the market can sustain? If Arkham asylum had a shit live service model I don’t care how awesome Mark Hamill is in it, game wouldn’t be worth playing.

I get that we are basically speaking in completely different languages because we occupy different realities. In your world you actually think DEI takes up so much time and resources that companies just have to put a battlepass into every single game. No other reason. We may as well be from different planets at this point. I don’t think either of us is going to enjoy bashing our heads into the brick wall that is gamergate drivel. Guess I’ll see you in my least woke game, ciao.

Sorry, you’re mistaking contempt for anger. So close to grasping why stuff is getting shittier and then you have to retreat to must be the spooky woke. Battlefield 5 didn’t do poorly at first because of a woman with a bionic arm. It did poorly because it was rushed and buggy. Shit, that describes 99% of AAA releases these days. Did SBI mandate that all the suicide squad have guns and fly around shooting at glowing weak points so that it is easy for WB to sell a half baked live service with recycled content? It’s almost like there is a common thread in what is causing this but I just don’t know what…..

Yea man, it’s all the damn woke. SBI is the reason battlefield is a buggy mess now and all we do is chase the nostalgia dragon. Oooohhh BG3 is so scary when my black trans elf fucks a squid.

Also no. It isn’t devs who do tell companies what make money? wtf are you talking about? They have whole department called market research that tells the producers what people are buying right now. Most of these people are business grads who don’t actually make games because that’s a totally different skill set. Im not sure we are talking about the same things when we say game dev. I tend to mean the creatives and techs that actually build them. Whip crackers don’t really count for that, even if they are still a required role.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Lots of companies were forced by publishers to make live service drivel that was always going to fail because that market can really only have a few big games. Absolute waste of talent to have a studio like crystal dynamics make a live service and the results speak for themselves.

Seems you were implying that devs and creatives somehow hoodwinked producers and moneymen into being greedy trend chasers. If that wasn’t what you were going for then sorry about that.

Rocksteady was almost definitely told to pitch a live service game. They decided on making at a suicide squad one. WB had a directive to pivot studios towards live service models to increase revenues company wide.

Also, shitty trend chasing producers can be at the company making them as well. Creative Assembly seemed very excited to fall on its own sword without too much input from Sega, for instance.

Narcan HQ

Why even have representatives then if we have to oversee literally everything they do at all times. Just put everything to a vote. Sounds fucking terrible

Nah man that Tate shit is just going to make you more miserable. Red pill has been around for a decade now and men don’t seem appreciably happier than before. If only because women as a whole are becoming more left leaning and thus less likely to want to fuck them.

Yea mate, I’m not sure you know how the industry works. Do you think a studio like Rocksteady which was known for making great singleplayer Batman games was the one to pitch a live service 3rd person shooter to WB or do you think some coked up producers really wanted that sweet sweet Fortnite recurring revenue source? Is it the devs idea to have every studio chase the live service fad instead of either innovating or just doing what made their studios great in the first place?

Nah, I’m sure it’s Tim the underpaid and overworked UX designers fault. He’s got all the power in these megacorps, after all.

This is just ignorant. I’m not even American and I know they have an incredible variety of not only cuisines but also quality of ingredients. Lots of it is mass produced crap, totally. But they are a big enough country that millions upon millions can also afford well made food too.