It's not always that easy. I like my job well enough, but it's still just a job to me. It pays well, but I don't feel a desire to go above and beyond. That's what hobbies are. For some people their job is a big part of their life in that way, but for others it's just a means to afford the other parts of their life. To each their own.

I'd like you to link one source showing that. I've seen articles today of Trump calling for military tribunal.

What was Hilary guilty of? Having classifief emails on a private server? How is that different than trump refusing to return classified documents from Maralago?

Silver Stone Metallic

For funnies

That's what happens when you sell out to big companies. See: every game studio EA has acquired.

Epic BOUGHT Pysonix. The devs likely made a killing on RL, in addition to the money from the acquisition. I would have continued to support them otherwise, but the game has less modes than before, and it more focused on shoving overpriced cosmetics at you than fixing server issues, or providing a better game play experience.

You're not supporting devs, your supporting Epic who removed trading from the game.

They have chicken sandwiches, nuggets, and fries. If you don't know what you want, go inside.

This feels like good game design. Maybe a bit clunky but an improvement for sure

No, it should not. It's part of character leveling. You only do it once per character, and it's not that tedious. NMD should have more rewards so it doesn't feel pointless.

Because I actually tried to listen and understand what the 80 year old was trying to say. He has trouble speaking, but the content is there. He still understands what's going on. I'm not happy he's the face of the Democrats, but policy wise, he's the much better choice.

Because I actually tried to listen and understand what the 80 year old was trying to say. He has trouble speaking, but the content is there. He still understands what's going on. I'm not happy he's the face of the Democrats, but policy wise, he's the much better choice.

Yeah, but you aren't thinking it's a flip after the flop hits.

Voting for president in this election isn't about who is the most capable 80 year old. Your voting for a platform, for what each believes in, for the cabinet behind them, and for the party they represent.

Eh, he definitely has trouble speaking but you can tell he at least knows what he's talking about.

:PIT1::PIT2: Pittsburgh Steelers

Did y'all know that Baltimore's slogan is: "The city that reads?"

:PIT1::PIT2: Pittsburgh Steelers

Elementary level grammar checks out.