How do you know that it’s simple disagreement, especially since that rather polite user has been personally attacked in almost every reply?

I’m not a libertarian and simply came here from r/all, but I feel like users in this community should feel an intense embarrassment over being so fragile in a thread mocking ideological opponents for being fragile.

Lol sure buddy.

I notice Copenhagen was ranks highest in the Economist’s Safe Cities Index’s latest study from 2021. Denmark was ranked highest in the Women, Peace and Security Index from 2023.

Both the indices are are the the most frequently cited in their areas as far as I can tell. If Copenhagen is an extraordinarily dangerous place for young women, I do wonder where on the planet they’re safe.

This must be the sort of hard-hitting not-at-all tendentious repressed criticism they were talking about in the other thread.

Reading your list full of gang problems and sexual assault makes Copenhagen sound like Lagos. If

Could live in Malmö. It’s closer to Sweden (!) and quite a bit cheaper, plus I hear the route to citizenship is easier.

Probably started tossing the duck in his teens.

Plus you are allowed to get defensive if something you identify with is criticised in a way that you disagree with. A lot of OP’s examples seems simply to be of people who politely disagree with her.

I find a lot of expats are unwavering in their convictions that their opinions are objectively correct and how dare you disagree because they’ve lived in at least three cities and they know how the world works. Just scroll down in this thread and you’ll find them.

TIL. I never knew it was by Sousa. For some reason I thought it was written for the show.

I swear I heard them playing the theme music from Monty Python’s Flying Circus once… can anyone else confirm?

All those moments will be lost in time like bikes in Copenhagen.

…does it though? Any fear of being seeing as childish makes one childish? Seems like a middle school “Nuh-uh” kind of retort.

Obviously many people who read YA do fear being seen as childish or you wouldn’t get the extreme defensiveness you see in this thread.

No men? If you prefer bears I’m afraid you’ll have to drive to Sweden.

I’m so sorry, ever since they raised the price on romkugler I haven’t been myself.

I can’t tell if it’s because it’s considered offensive to Muslims or because merely mentioning Islam is outré as r/Copenhagen is generally to the right on immigration. Either way it seemed like a harmless joke to me. 💁‍♂️

I highly suggest you visit the official advice thread.

It’s morally problematic but probably safe, although you can always throw it in the trash to be on the safe side.

Only if you call dibs in front of five witnesses (or just one if they’re a member of the royal family).

Lol sometimes you’ll catch a wave of red lights and the same cyclist will insist on overtaking you at the stoplight and parking in front beyond the white line every time. Madness I tell you.

This isn’t limited to tourists, but does anyone else hate when people in groups bike parallel to each other, making it impossible to pass them until you ring your bell an they switch positions? Or am I just an old man yelling at clouds?

How is telling people to be careful with their language side stepping the issue?

We live in an age where it’s generally frowned upon to stereotype based on race or religion or sexuality, but for some reason you can openly discuss how the world would be a better place if men didn’t exist.

Seems like it wouldn’t undermine gendered violence in any way to just add a qualifier. I can’t believe people genuinely get upset that people push back on numerous variations of “men are just evil”.

1) Judging from a quick Google search you did just make up those numbers up. Yes most are men, but 99% is exaggerated.

2) Surely the relevant statistic is the number of men who are killers, not the number of killers who are men.

3) Why is it okay to generalise about sex but nothing else? Here in my country rapists and murderers are much more likely to be non-White, should people be encouraged to feel less safe around non-Whites then?

Synes efterhånden man ser lignende tråde en gang om ugen. Hvis det ikke er den samme person mangler der vel bare nogen til at tage initiativet - måske en tur i Cinemateket en dag?