
r/copenhagen139.4K subscribers25 active
Monthly thread for advice and recommendations, June 2024 – ask your questions here!
Welcome to Copenhagen!

Use this thread to ask for advice about accommodation, sightseeing, events, restaurants, bars, clubs, public transportation, jobs and the like. Questions about visiting and moving to Copenhagen are only allowed in this thread.

Before posting, be sure to read our wiki for guides and answers to the most frequently asked questions from newcomers. Tourists will find useful information at WikiVoyage, WikiTravel and VisitCopenhagen, while new residents should visit the international websites of the City of Copenhagen and the Danish Immigration Service.

Be specific when asking for recommendations – tell us about yourself and what you like. Generic recommendations for "a nice restaurant" or "must-see attractions" can be found on TripAdvisor. Also, as locals we probably don't know much about hotels in the city.

If you're not looking for general advice and recommendations, feel free to create a new post in the subreddit. We love seeing interesting observations, stories and pictures from visitors and new neighbours!

This thread is created automatically at the beginning of every month. Click here for previous threads.

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Jeg kan ikke komme videre i mit livQuestion

Før folk stopper med at have fødderne oppe på sæderne i S-togene.

Det slår aldrig fejl.

Søger gode råd til at rumme denne hjernedøde adfærd, sådan som jeg ser den lige nu.

In Denmark credit card is king EXCEPT at Bakken.

Just a heads up for all the tourists visiting the amusement park Bakken.

Even though you can pay with credit card almost everywhere in Denmark, someone forgot to tell Bakken this. Many rides accept cash or mobile pay only (which is not available for non-citizens). Was there yesterday and was genuinely surprised by the lack of ability to pay with a card, which is the norm all over the country.

So unless you buy a ride pass, carry cash with you.

But please go, it's a fantastic place.

Wolt tilfredshed

Hvordan har folket det med wolt? Jeg er efterhånden træt af at skulle i kontakt med kundeservice efter næsten ethvert køb. Jeg bruger wolt market, da de har nogle niche produkter, som jeg ellers skulle i en MENY/spar for at købe, hvilket er 2 butikker jeg ikke bor tæt på.. når jeg så endeligt bruger wolt market, kan jeg jo lige så godt købe resten af mine ting igennem dem. Hver gang, og det er virkeligt hver gang, er der enten et forkert produkt, et råddent produkt eller et ødelagt produkt.

Når jeg så sender et billede af en muggen lime f.eks. og man tydeligt kan se at der er mug over det hele på den, så skal de lige igennem butikken “for at undersøge det”..

Forleden bestilte jeg også takeaway en onsdag aften, hvor så de glemte min sodavand. Jeg skriver med det samme til dem, og bliver ikke besvaret. Jeg skriver en del gange for at få kontakt til dem, men de svarer så torsdag morgen kl 09:30 at “pga for mange henvendelser har haft travlt”… vær nu bare ærlig og sig du er faldet i søvn, der er jo ingen der tror på at du har været væltet bagover af henvendelser i gennem næsten 12 timer en onsdag nat..

Jeg har tænkt mig at henvende mig til deres hovedkontor.. så jeg ville høre om i havde lignende oplevelser eller om det bare er mig der er uheldig.

Drummer Seeking Band in CPH

Hey! I’m a drummer who just moved to Copenhagen. Looking to join a band or just jam. Played in bands before back home (South Africa) and looking to break into the music scene here. Preferably something jazzy or alternative but honestly open to all genres. Currently based in Vesterbrø.

Office dressing for women?

Hi - curious what women wear to work in a business casual environment. Men wear trousers and button down shirts. The Danes are so much cooler than Americans and I need help!

Nicki Minaj koncert Events

Nicki Minaj spiller koncert på en fucking tirsdag. Jeg er ikke selv fra København og tænker mine veninder og jeg gerne vil lave noget efter koncerten (slutter nok omkring kl. 00). Hvad kan vi lave i byen? Har noget åbent på en tirsdag? Help me and my girls pls

Worth having LLO attend move in inspection?Question

Hi we have our move-in inspection coming up and have been scared a little by the amount of people losing their deposits at the end of their tenancies, so want to protect ourselves as much as possible.

We've found some good advice in other threads about taking pictures/videos of literally everything, an English translation of the move-in report that they use, etc, but couldn't find any experiences about the LLO representatives attending move in inspections. It seems quite expensive, but is it worth it? Or do you just get them involved at the end if you have any problems with the landlord?

What’s wrong with Copenhagen?Question

So I have gone to Copenhagen twice now and honestly, I’m in love. I’m a country girl at heart and this is the first city that I’ve wanted to live in. I’ve only been in Indre By and honestly, would only want to live in that bit anyway.

Now my company requires an EU base soon and Denmark does look like a great fit for us so immigrating is a real option for me. What should I know and what is wrong with the city and/or Denmark as a whole?

I’m currently planning two trips, one longer and one in the middle of winter to see how bad it is.

Toilet paper: not great

I just spent two days in Copenhagen and absolutely loved it. Such friendly people, the food was amazing, the beer was great, the wine was cheap. I've always lived in cities across Europe and Copenhagen was wonderfully quiet, safe and comfortable. Thank you very much. I've no doubt there are problems I don't know and don't understand but there were SO MANY things I admired and envied.


The toilet paper in Illum should be a crime.

Growing up Asian in CPH

Hi! I have a good friend/classmate who has two kids under the age of 6, and the whole family is Asian. They are planning on enrolling the kids in international school here. Does anyone here have experience/advice on raising Asian kids in the city? I have a friend who's half Danish/Chinese and he says he felt pretty isolated growing up - I understand that's just one data point though, and 2024 may be easier/harder for kids than when he was growing up, so I was hoping to hear more opinions.

Looking for badminton buddies


Having not been played my favorite sport for years - I never was good but I have passion for it. I'm looking to start playing again, so I'd like to find 1-3 people preferably on beginner-intermediate level to gang up with. I am in my late 20s.

Let me know :)

Børnevenlige aktiviteter på onsdag

Hej alle.

Min datters vuggestue har lukket på onsdag og jeg tager derfor en fridag med hende, men til min store overraskelse har mange steder lukket 🙃 jeg har altid arbejdet på grundlovsdag, så har ikke lige været klar over hvor "stor" en halv-helligdag det er 😁 så hvad kan I anbefale af aktiviteter der er klapvognsvenlige? En tur i dyrehaven eller hareskoven virker selvfølgelig oplagt, men hvad skal I få dagen til at gå med?


Canada to CopenhagenDiscussion

For Canadians that have moved to Denmark, or Copenhagen more specifically, can you comment your perspectives on the below items?

**Please indicate where in Canada you previously lived and now how long you have been in Denmark.

  1. How do the gloomy and dark winters in Denmark measure up in comparison to the dark and cold winters in your Canadian province/City?
  2. How do you feel about the availability of nature and open space in Denmark relative to Canada?
  3. Does the condensed and populated nature of Denmark/Copenhagen overwhelm you?
  4. Do you feel overall more content living in Denmark compared to your previous Canadian place of residence? If so, why is that?

im considering getting a breastlift. how do i find a good doctor who can help me with this? i feel so lost.

Obgyn clinics for a tourist

Hi there, I just found out in pregnant and already have a planned trip to Copenhagen for my friends wedding. Assuming all is well, I plan on going but my doctor suggests having some place we can go to should I start bleeding or have a complication.

What are some searches I should do and what keywords to look for for a clinic that would be able to handle urgent inquiries?

Any thrift stores that sells CD’s and cassettes? Question

I’m going back from vacation soon and going to spend some time in copenhagen before going to fyn and I’m sure there has to be places where I can buy used CD’s and cassettes in copenhagen

Bedste hudpleje klink / kosmetiker i kbh? Question

Jeg er er såå træt af at have en grim hud. Derfor søger jeg anbefalinger til en god klinik :)

Det skal være nogen der kan lave ansigts behandling + vejlede mig til de rigtige produkter

På forhånd tak 🤗

Pendlerhotel? Question

Jeg bor på nuværende tidspunkt i Jylland, og starter nyt job i København meget start. Jeg står dog i den ærgerlige situation, at jeg stadig ikke har fundet en bolig.

Min job kræver kun, at jeg møder ind på arbejdet 2-3 dage om ugen, hvorfor jeg regner med at tage til Jylland de resterende dage indtil, at jeg har fundet den rigtige bolig.

Jeg vil derfor høre, om der er nogen af jer, som kender til en form for hotel/vandrehjem, hvor folk der pendler kan bo relativt billigt, men hvor man ikke bor på værelse med andre? Det må meget gerne være tæt på indre by. Jeg ved at det er muligt at leje et pendler værelse hos private, men da jeg i princippet ikke ved, om jeg har fundet en permanent bolig i morgen eller om 3 måneder, så ser jeg ikke dette som den optimale løsning lige pt.

Jeg håber, at nogen herinde kan hjælpe mig 🤞

God lørdag til jer.

Leje musikstudio i kbhQuestion

Mig og nogle internationale venner søger at leje et musikstudio, hvor vi kan have en jamsession med guitar og trommer. vi har ikke brug for noget optageudstyr, bare det mest essentielle. Jeg er virkelig ikke bekendt med kbh, kender jere til sådanne steder?

Built a free job board with jobs that require only in English in Denmark

As the title says, out of necessity to help my wife and some friends with the tedious job search duties of sifting through the noise to find those elusive jobs where speaking Danish is not required, I, together with a friend, built this free job board. 🇩🇰

My friend and I fully advocate learning Danish not only to improve your chances in the job market, but also to help with mid-term to long-term stays in Denmark.

However, we realise that in certain cases, learning a new language might be difficult due to many reasons, and therefore, getting a job in English, can help.

Let us know if you have any feedback, there are a few features we can work on.

P.S.: One way to help us, is by subscribing to the newsletter.

Disclaimer: this is all done in our free time, and we don't make any money from this (hopefully we can change this in the future), we are doing this voluntarily and want to help others.

Disclaimer 2: I have previously posted here another tool I built ( in case you want to check it out. It is a directory of businesses in Denmark, nicely categorised.

To the mods: let me know if this is not ok and I will remove. 🫡

Heights/Towers/Hills for Radio Hobby

Hey r/copenhagen!

I am looking for hills, heights, accessible towers in the city and around (preferably around Brøndby) where i can go with my radios to receive some signals. For radio its also important to have as less interference as possible. Any tips or suggestions? I know CPH is not famous for its hills, but any ideas for exposed accessible spots are appreciated

Thanks 🙌