Even if Trump loses it doesn't matter the USA is now completely open for the taking for the next will be dictator.

For every election from here on out the only thing stopping USA from becoming an authoritarian society is the judgement of the voters that the president hopefully won't do that.

This is all getting way too real now.

The US is actually losing their democracy. Like this is actually happening for real in this reality. What a scary time we live in.

Mama Gretch would wreck Trump. You actually dont need a big name this time. The media circus would be massive if she got the nom everyone would know her name overnight.

Just because others want what we have doesn't mean what we have isnt getting worse.

I like Rezz and Deathpact however sometimes I find their stuff a bit too samey.
Ill check out Inzo and Caster thanks.
Do you have a reco for Seven Lions? I tried getting into them but I dodnt know where to start. It was as you said commercial and cheesy I didnt like it.


Forests suck the carbon back up when they regrow after a fire.
Forest fires aren't the problem putting carbon into the atmosphere from under the ground is.

Actually natural forest fires are good because their roots burn and pyrolyze in the soil and deposit carbon into the ground.

Most of the Carbon is released into the atmosphere in the short term but in the long term it gets sucked back down.

Thats because western society is in terminal decline and whoever is in power gets the blame, so we vote them out instead of addressing the core issues of greed and corruption.

Whoever is in power next will face the same fate.

I like Tesseract, Tool, The Contortionist, Sleep Token. Bands that have feel and aren't too noodley with guitars. I like Infected mushroom and Deadmau5.

Can I have an example I love Progmetal.

Its not like you shouldn't stand with him because he has the advantage its like, you can not stand with him because he will kill you with a certainty if you do.

Looked like a slip to me. Edit: Nevermind it was a hard hook.

No they have more than enough coast line. They want the south china sea so they can project power into the pacific and around the world.

Welp 913 months and counting I would say a lot more to go.

She cut it. open it further with her hand then grinned wide.

It doesnt matter. Facts don't win elections, vibes do.

Monkey in Space

Why didn't you just say "should be a blast"

Because he ratted to the FBI. He became an informant for the US