Not even slightly, but that might be because I’m British

Im kind of in exactly the same scenario, burntout, tired of life, covid knocked me for 6, used to do lots of travelling but I'm in the UK and looking go do some exploring round Aus / NZ and Asia for a year. Dog can go be looked after by a family friend, but it would be hard to leave her but I think I need this? for my own sanity and future progress and personal development.

I would say if you have nothing holding you back, go for it. Not sure how long $12k AUD would last you in Costa Rica, but I can also sympathise I've seen adverts for becoming a Mountain Bike instructor courses come up on Facebook for Canada & New Zealand and I'm tempted.

Edit: Spelling

30m, UK, Neurospicy, Snipped

I'm like this with having had my vasectomy! If anyone says "well you might change your mind" its like nah that fuckers done, I ain't spending the £5,000 or whatever to get it reversed now.

30m, UK, Neurospicy, Snipped

Some kids can't wear headphones due to sensory issue?

still think the parents need to take responsibility and make their kids wear headphones for the sake of everyone else. I have over stimulation / sensory issues but I take responsibility by wearing my own noise cancelling headphones / earplugs (loops) in public, fucking can't stand iPad kids with full volume like stfu put headphones on

I would gesture vaguely at everything. Its almost like the last 14 years have been terrible for us gee who was in charge of that

30m, UK, Neurospicy, Snipped

Side note: I LOVED Japan when I was there, I did 2 weeks travelling around in 2015 and have always dreamt of going back for like 4-6 weeks and just seeing more of it

The threat of not starving is pretty compelling to go… but I’m barely surviving

30m, UK, Neurospicy, Snipped

I have a dog on my own from a previous relationship and that’s enough trouble in itself so no thankyou not taking that risk for a human to end up doing it solo (love the dog though she’s cute) 😂

30m, UK, Neurospicy, Snipped

This is my view on it now. I’ve accepted I might be single a long time since getting sterilised and I’m okay with that. Would rather be single living my life vs being stuck with a kid.

30m, UK, Neurospicy, Snipped

No worries if not your type but if you’ve just missed it have a look and see 😂

30m, UK, Neurospicy, Snipped

I hope this doesn't come off as too strong or weird but I did send you a chat message last week, as I saw your CF4CF post and thought I'd try my luck!

:flag-gb: United Kingdom

Well any other year its just a normal day, I'd go to work or live my normal life. Why would I do anything for americas independence day

This year is our general election though, so I'll be voting in that.

:flag-gb: United Kingdom

Well any other year its just a normal day, I'd go to work or live my normal life. Why would I do anything for americas independence day

This year is our general election though, so I'll be voting in that.

Same as you, the people who want to go and relax for the entire trip. I went on holiday with an ex who literally just wanted to sit by the pool for the week and it drove me mad, so had to do alot of stuff on my own and explore, I was also diagnosed with ADHD years later. I can sit down and relax for like a day but anything longer I go mad.

Because money. Its the way social media is now, its so heavily video focused if you can do video and photo you're more likely to get booked. I've been turned down for some jobs because I have only done photo in the past, now Im teaching myself to shoot video too. I still love photography but video pays

If you're a hobbyist it doesn't matter but if you're trying to make a living from it you've got to do what you can get paid for.

Its the same issue with Tile though, you need your phone or another phone to be nearby to ping it for the location neither of them can transmit their own location independently. If you lose it out in the middle of nowhere (say the scottish highlands with no one miles around) its unlikely you'll find it if you're not within range for either of them. You'll get its last known location where you lost it, and then you might be able to get close enough to ping it again. Luckily I tend to spend most of my time in cities where theres lots of phones about nearby to ping anything if I did leave something behind.

They're very useful even at home to be like oh wheres my wallet and then the phone points you in the right direction.

I use AirTags (Apple equivalent for Tile), they're brilliant cannot recommend them enough. I have them on my keys, wallet, passport, bike, and then in various bags I'm likely to leave in different places. All my apple devices have the tracking inside them too.

Isn't the phrase 'you're not made of sugar, you won't melt in the rain' Dutch? I'd say get a good set of water proof jacket and trousers, maybe even shoe covers will do you just fine :)

Edit: I'd like to add, I think it would be worth you getting your license, but not necessarily getting a car. Its a good skill to have and does allow you to use a car when you absolutely need it you can rent them. I'm pretty sure NL has lots of app based car hire schemes you could look into? So instead of owning and spending lots of money on your own car, you just hire a car to do the trips when you absolutely need them.

Don't stress too much, it was always going to be upsetting and stressful making this big a change. As a 30y/o Brit also considering doing the same you're brave for doing it! You've got to give it time though being there, it'll take a while to find your feet.

You're in a great country and you've put yourself out there, start small and going to visit some cool places! Enjoy the ride of being there, I think you need to give it a while longer before packing up and coming home, idk maybe see how you feel in 6 months? However I wouldn't spend those next 6 months sitting in your hostel dorm wanting to be back in the UK. You're there now, go make the best of it, go do some cool shit and start small talking to people in the hostel and go do some of the sights. Idk what visa you're on but I guess you might need to start looking for work soon?

Nope. I have a work phone for all that, and if I did a job where they wanted me to download it they’d need to provide me with a dedicated work phone

They do not, they have 'reduction gears' which is like a gearbox, but no gearbox in the traditional sense where the driver can change gears to achieve different speeds or the car selects them.

We didn't get a real summer last year either! This year I've started having to use my Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) lamp to mimic day light, which I normally only use in winter! I've also thought about starting Vit D tablets again. Its ridiculous I want to move.

Probably Bristol to Cardiff then up to Merthyr, that would get you to the edge of the park :)