Do you guys feel sensations in your head/brain lasting days after your last treatment where it feels like spravato is rewiring your brain?

i feel these - dont know how to describe it exactly - tiny tingling sensations in my brain (sort of behind my forehead and temples) like its changing or healing days after my last treatment every time? Anyone else? Is this normal? is this a really good sign that it's working as needed? I wonder if i stopped treatment (I wont right now) how many days/weeks these sensations would go on for?

AGI - 2031 | ASI/Singularity/LEV - 2032

Technically you wouldn't age much during that time, so you're not losing years, if anything you're gaining years cause youll wake up and LEV will be a thing.

im on other meds, and i have read that, but maybe that's in certain states (if you are saying you have to specifically be on SSRIs), i don't think any meds are required in my state (NJ)

how long have you been taking it? So you take with ssris?

Some really bad stomach cramps.

L threonate gave me really bad stomach problems so I quit it in the first day or two and threw it out.

👏 good job! Keep on the path! Great things are ahead !

Idk why you’re being downvoted, but take my upvote.

I can’t wait till we get good at genomics to the point we can live edit the shit out of anything for everyone at low cost accessibly

Like the chainsmoker who lives well in his 70s and still chainsmokes vs the nonsmoker guy who gets lung cancer at 60 who was completely healthy.

I’m really sorry for your loss. How is this possible? Good diet, fit, middle aged.

Was she under stress/anxiety? That’s the only other thing I could think of although I doubt that alone could cause something like that.

This is very strange. Especially when you say things like he ate clean! No processed food or anything?

How does someone that young, healthy with a good diet get colon cancer!? Scares the shit out of me!

It may be helping you process your trauma but if you ever feel very uncomfortable and like you’re being retraumatized constantly then consider lowering your frequency of spravatoz

Possibly but it’s a double edged sword. I recommend to stick on because you have ocd and probably gad since ocd causes gad. I’m off the lexapro currently and srsly contemplating getting back on. My gad and ocd are terrible without it.

I recommend lowering your dose of Lexapro if you’re on more than 5mg and adding a mood stabilizer low dose like lamictal.

are you still on wellbutrin and what dose if so? Im on wellbutrin as well - 300mg currently. I feel very sick the day of and the next day after spravato.