I’m just curious if most people on here are working or in full time recovery mode?

I got through most of the milligrams of my taper while working, but the last 20% has been really tough. I’m lucky to be able to take disability insurance for now, but I’m going to leave my job permanently eventually. I’ll use all my savings to support myself getting to zero.

The financial and stability implications are pretty scary but I’m fried and at a low level of functionality. Made if I had to do more I would rise to it but everything stresses me out, I’m exhausted, over stimulation, body pains… I think about taking some grunt work job but the reality is getting out of bed is an accomplishment now. I’m at about 10% of my starting dose, which was pretty high. Long way to go still in terms of time. 4% weekly reductions are kicking my butt now.